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Thursday, December 18, 2014

12/18 - Sentence Structure / Roots Prep

At the beginning of class today, everyone chose an activity card (or several) and used these to write a paragraph in which they used at least one simple, compound, and complex sentence. We then reviewed one of these sentences as a class to practice identifying the various types of sentences, clauses, and conjunctions. This process enabled us to address various questions that people had about these sentence types. Everyone then shared their paragraph with a partner, identifying the sentence types, clauses, and conjunctions in their partner's sentences.

Next, we had a review game of root stick in preparation for our set 10 roots quiz tomorrow.

At the end of class, I handed out Socratic seminar prep sheets to be completed for our discussion of The Road tomorrow. These prep sheets will not be assessed, but must be completed in order to participate in the discussion.


Socratic Seminar Prep Sheet


Prepare for the set 10 roots and prefixes quiz on Friday.

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