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Wednesday, January 14, 2015

01.14 - Plot, Theme, and Message

We started today's class by looking at the final root from this week's set of roots and prefixes. Everyone used this root (see below) to respond to the following writing prompt:

sist, sta, stit - stand

Brainstorm words that use these roots and explain how the root meaning may relate to the word meaning.

Write two sentences (per root) using some of the brainstormed words.

Next, everyone received the word list for the set eleven words (see below). People wrote down the words on the practice sheet on the back of the word list in the appropriate boxes of the example word list. For homework, everyone should look up the definitions to these words.

We then reviewed sentence types and looked at compound-complex sentences (see page eight of the sentence types packet).

In the last part of class, I introduced and reviewed the definitions for plot, motif, theme, and message (see definitions below). We looked at these elements more in depth by listening to the song "A Boy Named Sue" by Johnny Cash. For homework, everyone should use different sentence types to summarize the plot of the song and then analyze the theme and message.

Click Image to Enlarge

      (see pages 8-9 for compound-complex sentences)


Respond to the reading questions for "A Boy Named Sue".

Write down definitions for the set 11 root words listed on the practice sheet.

Complete or revise your second motif paragraph as necessary (due Friday, Jan 16)

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