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Friday, May 29, 2015

05.29 - Discussions and Starting Week 4

We started today's class with a review of the researcher's role since groups will be having a researcher for week 4 (see researcher resources below). Next we reviewed the work due today (see below). Then, the Thursday discussion group had time to work while I observed discussions for the Friday discussion groups. Anyone who was not engaged in a discussion was able to work on the following assignments:

Due today:
Quote Analysis
Week 2 Lit Circle Work Revisions
Week 3 Lit Circle Work

Current Work:
Week 4 Lit Circle reading and groundwork


Work Submitted: 
Future Exploration Intro/Conclusion Revisions
Week 2 Lit Circle Work Revisions
Week 3 Lit Circle Work

  • Thursday Discussion (I am Legend) & Friday Discussion (Animal FarmBrave New World) Week 4 reading and groundwork for your role 
    • Reading and groundwork due for discussion prep days next week
    • Synthesis work due for Friday

Thursday, May 28, 2015

05.28 - Discussions and Discussion Prep

For the first 15 minutes of class today, everyone had time to work on the synthesis work associated with their role in their literature circle this week. We then reviewed the format, rubric, and assessment technique for literature circle discussions (see slideshow below).

Thursday discussion groups then had their discussion for the week while the Friday discussion groups had their discussion prep meeting to prepare for their discussions tomorrow (see below).

(Click Image to Enlarge)


Work Submitted: 
Thursday discussion groups submitted the groundwork and synthesis response for their role week.


Wednesday, May 27, 2015

05.27 - Groundwork > Synthesis & Discussion Prep

In class today, people met in their lit circles and had the period to work on the reading and groundwork for their role this week. People were grouped by their lit circle roles and had the period to work. The Thursday discussion group had 15 minutes to meet and run through the discussion prep agenda (see below) to prepare for their discussion tomorrow.

(Click Image to Enlarge)
For homework, the Thursday discussion group should prepare for their discussion tomorrow.
The Friday discussion group should begin working on their synthesis. They will have their discussion prep meeting on Thursday.

At the end of class, we came together as a class to discuss individual responses to the following prompt:

(Click Image to Enlarge)

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Work Submitted: 
- - - 

  • Thursday Discussion (I am Legend) & Friday Discussion (Animal FarmBrave New World) Week 3 reading and groundwork for your role 
    • Reading and groundwork due for discussion prep days next week
    • Synthesis work due for Friday
  • Quote Analysis (due Friday)

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

05.26 - Revisions, Groundwork, Quote Analysis

At the beginning of class today, I returned work that was submitted last week and handed out updated grade report sheets. People then got together with their literature circle groups and worked on revisions, reading, groundwork for their role this week, and/or the quote analysis work that we reviewed last week.

I checked in individually with people on grades, assignments, and questions about their work for literature circles this week. In the last part of class, people responded to the prompt below which we took some time to discuss before the bell.

(Click Image to Enlarge)
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Work Submitted: 
- - - 

  • Thursday Discussion (I am Legend) & Friday Discussion (Animal FarmBrave New World) Week 3 reading and groundwork for your role 
    • Reading and groundwork due for discussion prep days next week
    • Synthesis work due for Friday
  • Quote Analysis (due Friday)

Friday, May 22, 2015

05.22 - Discussions & Week 3 Reading and Groundwork

At the beginning of class today, I introduced a quote analysis assignment that everyone will be working on throughout the next week and handing in with their week three literature circle work on Friday. See the handouts selection below for a copy of this work and a sheet that explains the techniques for quote analysis.

Following this presentation, the Thursday discussion group had time to work while I observed discussions for the Friday discussion groups. Anyone who was not engaged in a discussion was able to work on the following assignments:

Due today:
Future Exploration Intro/Conclusion Revisions
Week 1 Lit Circle Work Revisions
Week 2 Lit Circle Work

Current Work:
Week 3 Lit Circle reading and groundwork
Quote Analysis


Work Submitted: 
Future Exploration Intro/Conclusion Revisions
Week 1 Lit Circle Work Revisions
Week 2 Lit Circle Work

  • Thursday Discussion (I am Legend) & Friday Discussion (Animal FarmBrave New World) Week 3 reading and groundwork for your role 
    • Reading and groundwork due for discussion prep days next week
    • Synthesis work due for Friday
  • Quote Analysis (due Friday)

Thursday, May 21, 2015

05.21 - Discussions and Discussion Prep

For the first 15 minutes of class today, everyone had time to work on the synthesis work associated with their role in their literature circle this week. We then reviewed the format, rubric, and assessment technique for literature circle discussions (see slideshow below).

Thursday discussion groups then had their discussion for the week while the Friday discussion groups had their discussion prep meeting to prepare for their discussions tomorrow (see below).

(Click Image to Enlarge)


Work Submitted: 
Thursday discussion groups submitted the groundwork and synthesis response for their role week.

  • Thursday Discussion (I am Legend) - Week 3 reading and groundwork for your role
  • Friday Discussion (Animal FarmBrave New World) - Synthesis work and discussion prep for tomorrow's discussion.
  • Revisions:
    • Future Exploration introduction and conclusion (due this Friday 5/22)
    • Week 1 Lit Circle Work (due this Friday 5/22)

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

05.20 - Groundwork > Synthesis & Discussion Prep

In class today, people met in their lit circles and had the period to work on the reading and groundwork for their role this week. People were grouped by their lit circle roles and had the period to work. The Thursday discussion group had 15 minutes to meet and run through the discussion prep agenda (see below) to prepare for their discussion tomorrow.

(Click Image to Enlarge)
For homework, the Thursday discussion group should prepare for their discussion tomorrow.
The Friday discussion group should begin working on their synthesis. They will have their discussion prep meeting on Thursday.

At the end of class, we came together as a class to discuss individual responses to the following prompt:

(Click Image to Enlarge)

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Work Submitted: 
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  • Reading and groundwork for your lit circle novel as fits your role and schedule for week two (2).
  • Revisions:
    • Future Exploration introduction and conclusion (due this Friday 5/22)
    • Week 1 Lit Circle Work (due this Friday 5/22)

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

05.19 - Week 2 Reading/Groundwork

In class today, people met in their lit circles and had the period to work on the reading and groundwork for their role this week. During this time, I met individually with people to wrap up any questions related to grades and fourth quarter work.

For homework, the Thursday discussion group should wrap up their ground work and start on the synthesis work for their role. The I am Legend groups will meet tomorrow for their discussion prep meeting.

For homework, the Friday discussion group should begin wrapping up their reading and groundwork. They will have their discussion prep meeting on Thursday.

At the end of class, we came together as a class to discuss individual responses to the following prompt:

(Click Image to Enlarge)
Grade report sheets
Returned work

Work Submitted: 
- - -

  • Reading and groundwork for your lit circle novel as fits your role and schedule for week two (2).
  • Revisions:
    • Future Exploration introduction and conclusion (due this Friday 5/22)
    • Week 1 Lit Circle Work (due this Friday 5/22)

Monday, May 18, 2015

05.18 - Grade Reports and Revisions

At the beginning of class today, I handed out grade report sheets and several students helped me to return work. We took some time to review requirements for the introductions/conclusions and roles that people were working in last week for their lit circles (see below).

Everyone then had time to work on their introduction and conclusion revisions as well as the work associated with their role in last weeks lit circle arrangement. During this time, I met individually with people to review their progress and answer any questions.

(Click Image to Enlarge)

(Click Image to Enlarge)

(Click Image to Enlarge)

Grade report sheets
Returned work

Work Submitted: 
- - -

  • If you did not complete your week 1 synthesis work for this week, do so for homework.
  • Reading and groundwork for your lit circle novel as fits your role and schedule for week two (2).