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Wednesday, May 27, 2015

05.27 - Groundwork > Synthesis & Discussion Prep

In class today, people met in their lit circles and had the period to work on the reading and groundwork for their role this week. People were grouped by their lit circle roles and had the period to work. The Thursday discussion group had 15 minutes to meet and run through the discussion prep agenda (see below) to prepare for their discussion tomorrow.

(Click Image to Enlarge)
For homework, the Thursday discussion group should prepare for their discussion tomorrow.
The Friday discussion group should begin working on their synthesis. They will have their discussion prep meeting on Thursday.

At the end of class, we came together as a class to discuss individual responses to the following prompt:

(Click Image to Enlarge)

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Work Submitted: 
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  • Thursday Discussion (I am Legend) & Friday Discussion (Animal FarmBrave New World) Week 3 reading and groundwork for your role 
    • Reading and groundwork due for discussion prep days next week
    • Synthesis work due for Friday
  • Quote Analysis (due Friday)

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