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Monday, June 1, 2015

06.01 - Grade Reports, Revision, and Week 4 Lit Circles

At the beginning of class today, I handed out grade report sheets and several students helped me to return work. We took some time to review requirements for roles that people were working in last week for their lit circles (see below).

Everyone then had time to work on week three lit circle revisions and quote analysis revisions. 
During this time, I met individually with people to review their progress and answer any questions.

All groups were reminded that they will be having their discussions on Thursday of this week.

(Click Image to Enlarge)

Grade report sheets
Returned work

Work Submitted: 
- - -

  • Week 3 lit circle revisions
  • Quote Analysis revisions
  • Reading and groundwork for your lit circle novel as fits your role and schedule for week four (4).

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