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Wednesday, June 4, 2014

06.04 - Katniss - Battle Tested Tribute

We started today's class with everyone responding to and then discussing the following prompt:

How does the dystopia of Panem compare to that of Anthem?

Discussion around this question lead us back into looking at Katniss as a hero within her dystopia. Previously, we had looked at the qualities Katniss possesses from growing up in District 12 and people have been keeping track of the characteristics she exhibits throughout the book. Today, we looked specifically at Katniss' interactions (often confrontations) with other tributes in the games and what those tell us about her.

For this work I gave everyone a copy of the sheet "Katniss - Battle Tested Tribute" which identifies a variety of people with whom Katniss interacts throughout the games (see handouts below). In class we looked at how to approach completing the sheet with everyone filling out the first example together (see below). Then, everyone began work with a partner, splitting the remaining twelve encounters into sets of six. One partner completes the first set and the other partner completes the second set. Everyone then had the rest of the period to work on these notes. If people finished early, they had the time to read in The Hunger Games and work on their reading logs.

Click Image to Enlarge
These responses all address the discussion portion well by talking about what the encounter tells us about Katniss. A 100-level response would be one that incorporates two or more of these ideas (so not just a "green" response but a "green" and "blue" response.


Hunger Games Reading Schedule (includes reading logs)
Reading Logs Folder (Google Drive folder with all reading logs)
If I photocopied your own set of characteristics and you need an extra copy, come check in with me.


If you did not do so today in class, finish your notes on the six encounters for the "Katniss - Battle Tested Tribute" assignment.

Read chapters 26-27 in The Hunger Games for Friday.

Complete a reading log on Katniss OR Peeta for chapters 26 & 27.
(For a 100, note characteristics for both Katniss and Peeta and then, in your discussion compare and contrast them in these chapters).

If you did not complete the creative writing activity, here are the resources to do so:
Author's Reflection/Statement
Creative Writing Tips
Hunger Games - Chapter 11 (writing prompt - 200 word minimum)

Complete any unfinished assignments.
Revise any assignments scoring below a 92.

     To see which assignments need to be completed or revised check out Pinnacle:
     In school:
     Outside of school:

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