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Friday, June 6, 2014

06.06 - Bechdel Test

At the beginning of class today, we discussed individuals' favorite movies and what makes these movies a favorite movie. Next, we took a look at a comic by Allison Bechdel that lays out a way to look at the inclusion of women in movies (this comic can be seen here). Then, we looked at a YouTube video (see below) which further describes the Bechdel test and shows how it can be applied to movies.

We then returned to looking at the movies that people came up with as their favorite to see if any of them passed the Bechdel test (none of them did). We looked at how this doesn't mean these are bad movies (they're still good for all the reasons that people liked them), but that it does show that these movies don't reflect how women exist in the real world outside of movies. In bringing this back to The Hunger Games we discussed different ways that Suzanne Collins makes Katniss a real and complex character. This is the perspective that people should touch on in their discussion of Katniss in the "Katniss Everdeen - TV Star" writing.

Everyone had the rest of the period to work on this piece of writing. Upon finishing this, people could work on completing or revising any other assignments for the quarter. All work is due by 2:30 p.m. on Friday.


If you have not finished reading The Hunger Games you will need to finish it by the time we have the final.

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