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Wednesday, November 5, 2014

11.05 - Figurative Language and Poetry

We started today's class by looking at the difference between figurative language and plain or literal language. To do this, everyone watched the video below demonstrating a recently created instrument called the yaybahar. Everyone then responded to the following prompt:

Write two descriptions of the music that the yaybahar makes.
One description should rely on figurative language (like an author may use)
and one description should rely on plain/literal language (as a scientist may use)

After everyone had a chance to respond to this prompt, everyone shared out their responses. Next, people shared out their descriptions and we discussed the advantages to each form of description and what sort of situations each would serve best.

This discussion lead us from looking at the role figurative language plays in prose writing to what role it plays in poetic language. We talked about how the main difference between prose writing and poetic writing is that in poetry the way words are arranged on the page contributes to the meaning of the poem in addition to what is said. Poems will also use figurative language, rhymes, and rhythm to add further layers of meaning.

We are going to be starting Poetry Out Loud and took a look at how best to select a poem which people will be analyzing, memorizing, and reciting. Since this is also a national competition we looked at what to consider when selecting a poem based on whether it was for competitive purposes or class purposes (see handout).

I then showed everyone how to navigate the Poetry Out Loud website to search for a poem.

We will continue with this work tomorrow.



Finish your dystopian fiction w/ author's statement (due Thurs, 6/11)

Complete revisions for Anthem chapter one annotations and set one double entry journals (both due Fri, 14/11)

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