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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

02.24 - Future Exploration Introdcution

Today's class was focused on introducing everyone to our next unit which is based on future exploration of activities which people are interested in pursuing.

For the purpose of this unit, an activity is considered to be anything like a job, hobby, sport, or pastime that positively engages someone's time. We started today's class with everyone responding to the following writing prompt:

What is an activity in which you currently participate and what do you get out of that activity?

After everyone responded to this prompt, people shared out the activities they had written about. 

Next, we reviewed the discussion format for a concentric circles discussion (for a refresher  check out this slideshow). Everyone then had a series of conversations with different discussion partners using the handout provided in class to record notes on their ideas and their partner's response (see handout below). For homework, everyone responded to the reflection question on the back of this sheet.


Respond to the reflection question on the back of the concentric circles discussion sheet (due tomorrow, 2/25).

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