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Thursday, March 26, 2015

03.26 - Roots, Research, Course Recommendations

We started today's class by playing a roots review game in preparation for the unit three root test tomorrow. Next, I reviewed the course requirements and prerequisites to keep in mind in signing up for courses next year. Everyone then had the rest of the period to work on finding and recording sources as well as using sources to create notecards. During this work time, I met individually with people to look at their course recommendation for next year and answer any questions about quarter three grades or work.

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Submitted Today:
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Find and record five (5) sources and create ten (10) notecards for your Future Exploration project for Monday 3/30 (we will have time in class tomorrow and on Friday to work towards this goal as well).

Prepare for the unit 3 roots review test on Friday, 3/27

Notecard Practice (due Friday, 3/27)

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