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Friday, May 30, 2014

05.30 - Writing and Reading w/ The Hunger Games

At the beginning of class today, I handed out an author's reflection sheet (see handouts below) for people to use to analyze their creative writing stories on chapter 11 from The Hunger Games. Everyone then had the rest of the period to complete these stories and work on their reading/reading logs for The Hunger Games.

The work for the day followed the steps below; only moving on to the next activity when previous steps were completed.

- Complete 150 word (or more) draft of chapter 11 writing assignment
- Use creative writing tips to revise and develop chapter 11 writing to 200 words (or more)
- Share story via Google Drive
- Complete author's reflection on chapter 11 writing
- Turn in author's reflection
- Continue reading The Hunger Games through chapter 21 (filling out reading logs as you go)
- Turn in reading logs

Author's Reflection/Statement
Creative Writing Tips
Hunger Games - Chapter 11 (writing prompt - 150 word minimum)

Hunger Games Reading Schedule (includes reading logs)
Reading Logs Folder (Google Drive folder with all reading logs)
If I photocopied your own set of characteristics and you need an extra copy, come check in with me.


If you did not do so in class, finish your polished version of chapter 11 in The Hunger Games and the author's reflection to go with it.

Read chapters 22-25 in The Hunger Games.

Complete a reading log on Katniss OR Peeta for chapters 22-25.
(For a 100, note characteristics for both Katniss and Peeta and then, in your discussion compare and contrast them in these chapters).

Complete any unfinished assignments.
Revise any assignments scoring below a 92.

     To see which assignments need to be completed or revised check out Pinnacle:
     In school:
     Outside of school:

Thursday, May 29, 2014

5.29 - Hunger Games Fiction Revision

We started today's class off by reviewing the creative writing tips that we covered in class yesterday. We also took a few minutes to review the bonus elements on the Homeric simile.

Everyone then had the rest of the period to revise their Hunger Games stories based on chapter eleven. After revisions have been made stories should be at least 200 words, but can be much longer.

When people finished their revisions they had the option to share their story with someone else in the class and get their feedback. Completed stories should be shared with me on Google Drive.

Remaining time in the period was to be used reading The Hunger Games and completing reading logs (a log for chapters 18 - 20 is due for tomorrow).

Hunger Games - Chapter 11 (writing prompt - 150 word minimum)
Creative Writing Tips

Hunger Games Reading Schedule (includes reading logs)
Reading Logs Folder (Google Drive folder with all reading logs)
If I photocopied your own set of characteristics and you need an extra copy, come check in with me.


If you did not do so in class, finish responding to the "Hunger Games - Chapter 11" writing prompt.

Read to page 290 in The Hunger Games.

Complete a reading log on Katniss OR Peeta for chapters 18-20.
(For a 100, note characteristics for both Katniss and Peeta and then, in your discussion compare and contrast them in these chapters).

Complete any unfinished assignments.
Revise any assignments scoring below a 92.
     To see which assignments need to be completed or revised check out Pinnacle:
     In school:
     Outside of school:

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

05.28 - Creative Writing Tips

We had half an hour of class today due to an assembly.
We started class with everyone responding to the following writing prompt in their writer's journals:

Click Image to Enlarge

Next, I handed out a tip sheet for creative writing. We reviewed the various tips and used the phone-cat-trunk writing prompt as a piece to revise and practice some of these tips. After making these revisions, people would stop to share their writing with someone nearby.

Tomorrow we will look at using these creative writing tips to revise the writing we did on chapter eleven in The Hunger Games.

Creative Writing Tips

Hunger Games Reading Schedule (includes reading logs)
Reading Logs Folder (Google Drive folder with all reading logs)
If I photocopied your own set of characteristics and you need an extra copy, come check in with me.


If you did not do so in class, finish responding to the "Hunger Games - Chapter 11" writing prompt.

Read to page 290 in The Hunger Games.

Complete a reading log on Katniss OR Peeta for chapters 18-20.
(For a 100, note characteristics for both Katniss and Peeta and then, in your discussion compare and contrast them in these chapters).

Complete any unfinished assignments.
Revise any assignments scoring below a 92.
     To see which assignments need to be completed or revised check out Pinnacle:
     In school:
     Outside of school:

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

05.27 - Grade Reports and Revisions

At the beginning of class today, I handed out grade report sheets to students. We then took a look at some specific individual assignments (see feedback below) and everyone had time to work on these assignments.

Click Image to Enlarge

Click Image to Enlarge

Click Image to Enlarge

Click Image to Enlarge

Everyone had the second half of the period to work on revising or completing assignments as necessary according to the grade report sheets and our work this week (reading logs through chapter 18 in The Hunger Games). I was on hand to meet individually with people and answer their questions about assignments.

Tomorrow we will return to working with our stories from Chapter 11 of The Hunger Games.

Hunger Games Reading Schedule (includes reading logs)

Reading Logs Folder (Google Drive folder with all reading logs)
Complete both reading logs for chapters 01-04 and 05-07.
Complete a reading log for Katniss OR Peeta for all other reading sections.

If I photocopied your own set of characteristics and you need an extra copy, come check in with me.


Read to page 244 in The Hunger Games.

Complete a reading log on Katniss OR Peeta for chapters 16-18.
(For a 100, note characteristics for both Katniss and Peeta and then, in your discussion compare and contrast them in these chapters).

Complete any unfinished assignments.
Revise any assignments scoring below a 92.
     To see which assignments need to be completed or revised check out Pinnacle:
     In school:
     Outside of school:

Thursday, May 22, 2014

05.22 - The Games Begin

We started today with the following two writing prompts. After everyone responded to these prompts, we discussed students' responses and then used them as the set up for the "Hunger Games Chapter 11" writing prompt where students wrote themselves into The Hunger Games as competitors.
Click Image to Enlarge

Click Image to Enlarge

Remaining time in the period was spent reading from The Hunger Games and working on the chapter 11 - 15 reading log.

Hunger Games - Chapter 11 (writing prompt - 150 word minimum)
Hunger Games Reading Schedule (includes reading logs)

Reading Logs Folder (Google Drive folder with all reading logs)
Complete both reading logs for chapters 01-04 and 05-07.
Complete a reading log for Katniss OR Peeta for all other reading sections.

If I photocopied your own set of characteristics and you need an extra copy, come check in with me.


If you did not do so in class, finish responding to the "Hunger Games - Chapter 11" writing prompt.

Read to page 207 in The Hunger Games.

Complete a reading log on Katniss OR Peeta for chapters 11-15.
(For a 100, note characteristics for both Katniss and Peeta and then, in your discussion compare and contrast them in these chapters).

Complete any unfinished assignments.
Revise any assignments scoring below a 92.
     To see which assignments need to be completed or revised check out Pinnacle:
     In school:
     Outside of school:

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

05.21 - Coal Miner's Daughter

Today in class, we focused more on what it would be like to grow up in District 12 as a coal mining district by exploring what life is like for people who live in coal mining families. To do this we took a look at the song "Coal Miner's Daughter" by Loretta Lynn and "The Mountain" by Steve Earle (YouTube versions of the song included below).

[YouTube is currently being difficult. 
Videos will be embedded later. 
For now, just search for them on YouTube]

After listening to each of these songs, we discussed what it told us about life in a coal mining family (see handouts below). Then, everyone applied what they had learned about this lifestyle to how they saw it had effected Katniss as a competitor for The Hunger Games (see essay prompt below). Everyone had the rest of the period to work on this response.

Remaining time in the period was spent reading from The Hunger Games and working on the chapter 11 - 15 reading log.

Katniss - A Coal Miner's Daughter (song lyrics and writing prompt)
Hunger Games Reading Schedule (includes reading logs)

Reading Logs Folder (Google Drive folder with all reading logs)
Complete both reading logs for chapters 01-04 and 05-07.
Complete a reading log for Katniss OR Peeta for all other reading sections.

If I photocopied your own set of characteristics and you need an extra copy, come check in with me.


If you did not do so in class, finish responding to the "Katniss - A Coal Miner's Daughter" writing prompt.

Read to page 207 in The Hunger Games.

Complete a reading log on Katniss OR Peeta for chapters 11-15.
(For a 100, note characteristics for both Katniss and Peeta and then, in your discussion compare and contrast them in these chapters).

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

05.20 - Coal Formation

We started today's class with everyone responding to the following writing prompt in their journal:

To the best of your ability, describe where coal comes from.
Why does coal burn?

After everyone had a chance to respond to these prompts, people shared out the responses they had come up with. We used these answers to return to our previous discussion of where trees get their mass from. This lead us into discussing how trees use photosynthesis to convert air into more tree. We then looked at:
how there is potential energy stored in the chemical bonds that make up a tree ->
how ancient trees were buried over time in the earth ->
how the pressure of the weight on these old materials over long periods of time converted them to coal ->
how this coal was harvested by miners ->
how heating the coal breaks the bonds that were formed long ago and releases stored energy.

If you would like to see this lecture in person, come in and see Mr. Collins after school (any Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Friday from 2-3:30).

Everyone then had the rest of the period to read in The Hunger Games and complete a reading log for Katniss OR Peeta based on chapters 8 - 10.

Hunger Games Reading Schedule (includes reading logs)

Reading Logs Folder (Google Drive folder with all reading logs)
Complete both reading logs for chapters 01-04 and 05-07.
Complete a reading log for Katniss OR Peeta for all other reading sections.

If I photocopied your own set of characteristics and you need an extra copy, come check in with me.


Read to page 207 in The Hunger Games.

Complete a reading log on Katniss OR Peeta for chapters 11-15.
(For a 100, note characteristics for both Katniss and Peeta and then, in your discussion compare and contrast them in these chapters).

Complete any unfinished assignments.
Revise any assignments scoring below a 92.
     To see which assignments need to be completed or revised check out Pinnacle:
     In school:
     Outside of school:

Monday, May 19, 2014

05.19 - Grade Reports and Revision

Today, we were focused on completing and revising recent assignments. I started the class by reviewing class performance on specific assignments (see slides below). After each of these specific assignments, everyone had 15 minutes to work on completing or revising that assignment.

Once we had completed reviewing these assignments, I handed out grade report sheets and other assignments that were submitted last week. Everyone then had the rest of the period to work on revising and completing assignments as necessary. I was on hand to meet individually with people and answer questions about assignments.

We started class off by looking at the improvement that the class had made in completing the "Buffy Discussion" assignment.

Click Image to Enlarge
 Next, we looked at assignments that were submitted for assessment last week:

Click Image to Enlarge

Click Image to Enlarge

Hunger Games Reading Schedule (includes reading logs)

Reading Logs Folder (Google Drive folder with all reading logs)
Complete both reading logs for chapters 01-04 and 05-07.
Complete a reading log for Katniss OR Peeta for all other reading sections.

If I photocopied your own set of characteristics and you need an extra copy, come check in with me.


Read to page 147 in The Hunger Games.

Complete a reading log on Katniss OR Peeta for chapters 08-10.
(For a 100, note characteristics for both Katniss and Peeta and then, in your discussion compare and contrast them in these chapters).

Complete any unfinished assignments.
Revise any assignments scoring below a 92.
     To see which assignments need to be completed or revised check out Pinnacle:
     In school:
     Outside of school:

Friday, May 16, 2014

05.16 - Trees

We started today's class with the set 16 roots and prefixes quiz. After everyone had a chance to take this quiz, we reviewed the answers for the quiz and people corrected their own quizzes.

Next, everyone had twenty minutes to read and work on their reading logs for The Hunger Games. Reading logs for the second reading section (pages 60-102 / chapters 5, 6, 7). These reading logs were for Katniss in chapters 5 & 6 and then Katniss in chapter 7 with an emphasis on comparing the two different perspectives that these chapters offer on her. If people completed the reading and logs early, they were able to start working on the reading for the next section of reading (pages 102 - 147) with a long on either Katniss or Peeta.

We then began part of our focus on the primary occupation of District 12, coal mining. To begin with this, we backed things up to talk about trees (where they come from and where they get their size). Everyone responded to the following prompt:

Where do trees get all their mass?
Explain to the best of your ability.

Responses to this question included "from dirt," "from water," and "magic." We then watched the video below to discover the real answer.

We will continue with this piece next class.

Reading Logs (Google Drive folder with all reading logs)
Complete both reading logs for chapters 01-04 and 05-07.
Complete a reading log for Katniss OR Peeta for all other reading sections.

If I photocopied your own set of characteristics and you need an extra copy, come check in with me.

Roots and prefixes set 16 - word list
Roots and prefixes set 16 - practice sheet


Read to page 147 in The Hunger Games.

Complete a reading log on Katniss OR Peeta for chapters 08-10.
(For a 100, note characteristics for both Katniss and Peeta and then, in your discussion compare and contrast them in these chapters).

Complete any unfinished assignments.
Revise any assignments scoring below a 92.
     To see which assignments need to be completed or revised check out Pinnacle:
     In school:
     Outside of school:

05.15 - Reading and Logs

We started today's class with about 20 minutes of time for people to read and work on their reading logs for The Hunger Games.

Next, we returned to working with the set 16 roots and prefix practice sheet and finished reviewing the answers for this page. We then had a short game of root stick to help review these roots and prefixes in preparation for our quiz tomorrow.

Everyone then got out their reading logs for The Hunger Games and put them to use in answering the following set of questions:

Click Image to Enlarge

Everyone then had the rest of the period to respond to these questions. Any time remaining in the period could be spent reading and completing reading logs.

Reading Logs (Google Drive folder with all reading logs)
Complete both reading logs for chapters 01-04 and 05-07.
Complete a reading log for Katniss OR Peeta for all other reading sections.

If I photocopied your own set of characteristics and you need an extra copy, come check in with me.

Roots and prefixes set 16 - word list
Roots and prefixes set 16 - practice sheet


Read to page 102 in The Hunger Games.

Complete the reading logs for chapters 01-04 and 05-07.

Prepare for the set 16 roots and prefixes games.

Complete any unfinished assignments.
Revise any assignments scoring below a 92.
     To see which assignments need to be completed or revised check out Pinnacle:
     In school:
     Outside of school:

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

05.14 - Hunger Games Reading Logs

At the beginning of class today, everyone had the first 25 minutes of class to read from The Hunger Games and work on their reading logs for chapters 1-4 (see handouts for extra copies of reading logs). In these chapters there should be one reading log done for Katniss in chapters 1, 2, and 3 and one done for Peeta in chapters 3 and 4.

I then outlined our approach for the rest of the reading logs that we will be having with The Hunger Games. For Friday, everyone will be completing two reading logs, both on Katniss. The first reading log looks at Katniss in chapters 5 and 6 while the second reading log looks at Katniss in chapter 7.

Next, we completed the set 16 roots and prefixes practice sheet. We began reviewing these responses at the end of class, but ran out of time. We will finish this review in class tomorrow.

Reading Logs (Google Drive folder with all reading logs)
Complete both reading logs for chapters 01-04 and 05-07.
Complete a reading log for Katniss OR Peeta for all other reading sections.

If I photocopied your own set of characteristics and you need an extra copy, come check in with me.

Roots and prefixes set 16 - word list
Roots and prefixes set 16 - practice sheet


Read to page 102 in The Hunger Games.

Complete the reading logs for chapters 01-04 and 05-07.

Prepare for the set 16 roots and prefixes games.

Complete any unfinished assignments.
Revise any assignments scoring below a 92.
     To see which assignments need to be completed or revised check out Pinnacle:
     In school:
     Outside of school:

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

05.13 - Reading Logs

At the beginning of class today, I introduced the reading logs that we will be using to analyze characters (mostly Katniss and Peeta) as we read The Hunger Games. These reading logs use the same structure as our note-taking with the "Prophecy Girl" episode of Buffy from class on Thursday 05.08.

Our first reading section of The Hunger Games is chapters 1-4 (pgs. 1-60). In this section, everyone is looking at Katniss for chapters 1, 2, and 3 as well as Peeta in chapters 3 and 4. Everyone had the next forty minutes to read, take notes on characteristics, and then respond to the reading log prompt. People who had created their own characteristic categories were able to use their individualized sheets for these reading logs. Anyone that did not have their own categories is able to use the set that we created as a class (see handouts below).

At the end of the period, we reviewed class performance on the Buffy gender characteristics notes and responses (assignment feedback below).

Reading Logs (Ch. 1-4 / pgs. 1-60) - stock set
If I photocopied your own set of characteristics and you need an extra copy, come check in with me.


Read to page 102 in The Hunger Games for Thursday.
Complete reading logs for chapters 1-4.

Prepare for the set 16 roots and prefixes quiz on Friday.

If you have not done so already, complete sections 1, 2, and 3 of the occupations research paper.
For information and resources associated with this project see the post: Research Wrap-Up: Feedback and Resources

Complete any unfinished assignments.
Revise any assignments scoring below a 92.
     To see which assignments need to be completed or revised check out Pinnacle:
     In school:
     Outside of school:

Monday, May 12, 2014

05.12 - Hunger Games Chapter 1

At the beginning of class today, everyone got the set 16 roots and prefixes. At the same time, I handed out copies of The Hunger Games. Everyone had twenty minutes to work on their set 16 roots and prefixes during which time, people also alternated out signing out their books online.

Next, we reviewed responses for the vocabulary theme activity that we did in class on 04.30. I explained that we were going to be looking at how these themes come up in chapter 1 of the book. First though, we read for ten minutes from chapter one to establish individuals' reading rates in the book. This is information that I will use to gauge how much time in class people need to read in order to keep up the pace of our reading schedule. After ten minutes of reading, everyone wrote down what page they were on (results shown below).

Click Image to Enlarge
Overall most people read from 3 to 6 pages in ten minutes (the reading started on page 3 so reading to page 9 means someone read 6 pages). This means that in reading during advocacy people should be able to read 36 to 72 pages. Readings for the week amount to about 100 pages per week so we will work to have additional time to read in class each week (full reading schedule available below).

Next, I handed out a chapter one themes note sheet in which people take the themes that they observed in the vocabulary words and discuss how those themes come up in the first chapter (just the first chapter, not the book as a whole). For those people that did not have their vocabulary themes sheet, we reviewed the chapter one vocabulary and some of the themes that people identified as being relevant (see below). Everyone had the rest of the period to work on this sheet. Work that was not completed in class should be done for homework.

Click Image to Enlarge
vocabulary themes from chapter 1 of The Hunger Games


Roots and prefixes set 16 - word list
Roots and prefixes set 16 - practice sheet
Hunger Games Chapter 1 Themes


If you did not do so in class, finish the Hunger Games Chapter 1 Themes.

Prepare for the set 16 roots and prefixes quiz on Friday.

Complete any unfinished assignments.
Revise any assignments scoring below a 92.
     To see which assignments need to be completed or revised check out Pinnacle:
     In school:
     Outside of school:

Friday, May 9, 2014

05.09 - Buffy and Gender Characteristics

We started class today with the unit 3 roots and prefixes quiz. Everyone had 20 minutes to complete the quiz. After the quiz, we reviewed and discussed quiz answers.

Next, we returned to the "Prophecy Girl" episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and finished watching the last ten minutes of the episode while taking notes on the gender characteristics sheet. If you would like to re-watch this episode, set up a time with Mr. Collins after school or check it out on Netflix streaming (Season 01, Episode 12: Prophecy Girl).

We then discussed some of the gender characteristics that people had notice Buffy exhibiting in the episode. Then, everyone had the next fifteen minutes to respond to the response questions for these notes (see handouts below).

In the last five minutes of class, I returned some graded assignments. Among these was the "Typical People" assignment from our class on Tuesday, April 29. Feedback for this assignment is included below.

Click Image to Enlarge

Buffy Hero and Gender Response

Buffy and Gender Characteristics - Filled in
Buffy and Gender Characteristics - Blank


If you did not do so in class, finish responding to the Buffy Hero and Gender Response questions.

If you have not done so already, complete sections 1, 2, and 3 of the occupations research paper.
For information and resources associated with this project see the post: Research Wrap-Up: Feedback and Resources

Complete any unfinished assignments.
Revise any assignments scoring below a 92.
     To see which assignments need to be completed or revised check out Pinnacle:
     In school:
     Outside of school:

Thursday, May 8, 2014

05.08 - Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Prophecy Girl

Today, we returned to our work looking at gender characteristics and how they are portrayed in different stories. This work is getting us ready for the work we will be doing with the Hunger Games. Today, we watched the episode "Prophecy Girl" from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

In watching this episode, everyone used the gender characteristic sheets that we created in class on Tuesday to track which characteristics Buffy exhibits in the episode. People that did not have this sheet, used a generic copy (see below).

Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Season 01, Episode 12: Prophecy Girl
If you would like to re-watch this episode, set up a time with Mr. Collins after school or check it out on Netflix streaming (Season 01, Episode 12: Prophecy Girl).

Buffy and Gender Characteristics - Filled in
Buffy and Gender Characteristics - Blank


If you have not done so already, complete sections 1, 2, and 3 of the occupations research paper.
For information and resources associated with this project see the post: Research Wrap-Up: Feedback and Resources

Complete any unfinished assignments.
Revise any assignments scoring below a 92.
     To see which assignments need to be completed or revised check out Pinnacle:
     In school:
     Outside of school:

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

05.07 - NWEA Testing - Part II

Today, we wrapped up our NWEA testing with people completing reading and language sections. Those individuals who did not complete their tests today will need to come to class during study halls or after school to finish their NWEA tests.

When people finished their NWEA tests, they used the class site and Pinnacle to work on completing or revising assignments for our class.

Prepare for the unit 3 roots and prefixes quiz tomorrow (be ready!).

If you have not done so already, complete sections 1, 2, and 3 of the occupations research paper.
For information and resources associated with this project see the post: Research Wrap-Up: Feedback and Resources

Complete any unfinished assignments.
Revise any assignments scoring below a 92.
     To see which assignments need to be completed or revised check out Pinnacle:
     In school:
     Outside of school:

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

05.06 - Preparing for Buffy Viewing

Our original plan for today was to finish our NWEA testing. The testing system, however, was down for maintenance. As a result, we returned to our work in looking at typical characteristics associated with men and women. We began preparing to use these characteristics to analyze an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer in much the same way as we will be analyzing The Hunger Games (this activity warms us up for this analysis).

In class, I returned the gender characteristics sheets that everyone completed in class last Wednesday. We looked at how to transfer the characteristics from individuals' sheets to the Buffy viewing note sheet. I used the characteristics from class as a model in showing how to set up the sheet, however, everyone used their individual sheets to fill out their viewing sheet (anyone that did not have their sheet, used the class one).

Click Image to Enlarge - Characteristics from our work in class last Wednesday
Set-up Model showing how to move characteristics (moody, smart) from our class activity to the Buffy note sheet.

Next, I reviewed the characters, setting, and story line that people would need as background information for the episode of Buffy that we will watch in class on either Thursday or Friday (depending on our NWEA testing schedule).

Buffy Information

Character List:

Buffy - A high school student who is also the slayer. She has super-human strength and healing     abilities. It is her destiny to kill vampires and other demons to protect people.

Mr. Giles - The high school librarian (he’s British). He is Buffy’s “watcher” which means he trains her     to be the slayer with physical, fighting lessons and educating her on demon history, biology,     and culture.

Joyce - Buffy’s mom. Buffy’s parents are divorced and she lives with her mother. Joyce works at the     local art museum and doesn’t know much about Buffy being the slayer.

Willow - Buffy’s friend (she has read hair and is a little nerdy). She likes Xander.

Xander - Buffy’s friend (he has short brown hair). He likes Buffy.

Cordelia - Buffy’s friend (they used to not like each other). She is one of the popular girls in school.

Angel - A vampire. He is one of the only “good” vampires. He was cursed in a way that gave him back     his soul so that he feels human emotions (like guilt and empathy). He helps Buffy out a lot of     the time.

The Master - The top vampire. He wants to open a portal to the demon world to destroy the human     race. To do this, he needs the blood of the Slayer (Buffy). He’s a bad guy.
Other info:

Vampires - They feed off of human blood and are really mean. They can’t come out in the daytime.     They are very strong, but can be killed with a wooden stake, fire, or beheading (the wooden     stake is the most common). They are reduced to ash when they die. When they are about to     feed their faces get ugly.

Sunnydale - The town in California where the show takes place. It is located on what is called a “hell     mouth” which is a spot where negative energy is really high. All sorts of demons and bad sorts     are drawn towards it. The master wants to use it as a portal to let more demons into the world.


If you did not do so today in class, finish filling out the "characteristic" and "descriptive adjective" pieces on your "Buffy and Gender Characteristics" sheet (if you don't have the characteristics that you came up with in class, use the ones above that we created in class.

Prepare for the unit 3 roots and prefixes quiz on Wednesday (be ready!).

If you have not done so already, complete sections 1, 2, and 3 of the occupations research paper.
For information and resources associated with this project see the post: Research Wrap-Up: Feedback and Resources

Complete any unfinished assignments.
Revise any assignments scoring below a 92.
     To see which assignments need to be completed or revised check out Pinnacle:
     In school:
     Outside of school:

Monday, May 5, 2014

05.05 - NWEA Testing

Today we had NWEA testing in the library.

This meant that our unit 3 roots and prefixes test has been pushed to Wednesday.

We will have another day of NWEA testing tomorrow.


Prepare for the unit 3 roots and prefixes quiz on Wednesday (be ready!).

If you have not done so already, complete sections 1, 2, and 3 of the occupations research paper.
For information and resources associated with this project see the post: Research Wrap-Up: Feedback and Resources

Complete any unfinished assignments.
Revise any assignments scoring below a 92.
     To see which assignments need to be completed or revised check out Pinnacle:
     In school:
     Outside of school:

Friday, May 2, 2014

05.02 - Men and Women in Society

At the beginning of class today, we picked up our discussion of gender, sex, and preference from in class yesterday to talk about common terms that are based on the associations that people have between these words. Notes from the discussion are below:

Click Image to Enlarge

Click Image to Enlarge

Click Image to Enlarge
Not pictured (I missed the screenshot):
Gender - Female, Sex - Male, Preference - Male
transgender heterosexual female

In class, we also discussed how people may choose to dress or present themselves in a way that is commonly viewed as "male" or "female," but that what determines how we refer to them is their own perspective on their gender. A number of people had questions about different combinations of a person's identity. 

In the end, I wrapped up by noting that The Hunger Games keeps identities pretty simple for us, but that there are some instances of female and male characters exhibiting traits commonly associated with the opposite gender. In actual life, personal identity can be honored when meeting someone new by listening to how people that person knows refers to them, using their first name (everyone has one of those), or, if all else fails, asking a polite question when the time is right about how they prefer to be addressed.

In the last 20 minutes of class, everyone used the back of their unit 3 roots and prefixes study sheet to write about one male-gendered person and one female-gendered person who they admired (this could be a person they knew, saw on TV or read about, or an ideal person they made up). In describing this person, everyone was asked to discuss what "male" or "female" qualities they identified in our word sort from the other day could be used to describe this person.

Typical Gender Characteristics Categories
The Hunger Games Vocabulary Categories


If you did not do so in class, complete the Hunger Games Vocabulary Categories activity.

Prepare for the unit 3 roots and prefixes quiz on Monday.

If you have not done so already, complete sections 1, 2, and 3 of the occupations research paper.
For information and resources associated with this project see the post: Research Wrap-Up: Feedback and Resources

Complete any unfinished assignments.
Revise any assignments scoring below a 92.
     To see which assignments need to be completed or revised check out Pinnacle:
     In school:
     Outside of school:

Thursday, May 1, 2014

05.01 - Jobs Review / Gender Discussion Part I

At the beginning of class today, I handed out a unit 3 roots and prefixes review sheet. Everyone had several minutes to see how many roots or prefixes they could identify by memory. Then, we reviewed the definitions for all of the roots and prefixes in this set.

Next, we reviewed the pictures that people had drawn on Tuesday depicting the typical man and the typical woman at work. These jobs included:

Typical Woman:
bank teller
teacher (x3)
reproduction (x2)
baker/bakery worker
day care / mom

Typical Man:
teacher (x2)
cowboy/rodeo bull rider
repair man
tow truck driver
bus driver
web developer
construction worker (x2)
police officer

We then discussed as a class trends in these jobs for men and women and compared what these jobs told us about how we think about men and women in our society. This lead into a discussion around some of the terms we have been using in discussing these roles. In our discussions, we have been talking about what jobs and characteristics we associate with which gender. In class, I spoke some about what gender means in relation to some other common terms that come up when we talk about the ideas of "male" and "female." The basic points in this discussion were as follows:

Gender - social ideas about "men" and "women," how they act, what they're like, and how a person thinks of themself (e.g. "I'm a man" or "I'm a woman")

Sex - biological definitions of "man," "woman," or "intersex" based on the chromosomes someone has.

Preference - who a person chooses to date (based on their gender and the gender of the person they are dating).

We will talk more about what this looks like for various people in everyday life tomorrow.

Typical Gender Characteristics Categories
The Hunger Games Vocabulary Categories


If you did not do so in class, complete the Hunger Games Vocabulary Categories activity.

Prepare for the unit 3 roots and prefixes quiz on Friday.

If you have not done so already, complete sections 1, 2, and 3 of the occupations research paper.
For information and resources associated with this project see the post: Research Wrap-Up: Feedback and Resources

Complete any unfinished assignments.
Revise any assignments scoring below a 92.
     To see which assignments need to be completed or revised check out Pinnacle:
     In school:
     Outside of school: