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Tuesday, May 6, 2014

05.06 - Preparing for Buffy Viewing

Our original plan for today was to finish our NWEA testing. The testing system, however, was down for maintenance. As a result, we returned to our work in looking at typical characteristics associated with men and women. We began preparing to use these characteristics to analyze an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer in much the same way as we will be analyzing The Hunger Games (this activity warms us up for this analysis).

In class, I returned the gender characteristics sheets that everyone completed in class last Wednesday. We looked at how to transfer the characteristics from individuals' sheets to the Buffy viewing note sheet. I used the characteristics from class as a model in showing how to set up the sheet, however, everyone used their individual sheets to fill out their viewing sheet (anyone that did not have their sheet, used the class one).

Click Image to Enlarge - Characteristics from our work in class last Wednesday
Set-up Model showing how to move characteristics (moody, smart) from our class activity to the Buffy note sheet.

Next, I reviewed the characters, setting, and story line that people would need as background information for the episode of Buffy that we will watch in class on either Thursday or Friday (depending on our NWEA testing schedule).

Buffy Information

Character List:

Buffy - A high school student who is also the slayer. She has super-human strength and healing     abilities. It is her destiny to kill vampires and other demons to protect people.

Mr. Giles - The high school librarian (he’s British). He is Buffy’s “watcher” which means he trains her     to be the slayer with physical, fighting lessons and educating her on demon history, biology,     and culture.

Joyce - Buffy’s mom. Buffy’s parents are divorced and she lives with her mother. Joyce works at the     local art museum and doesn’t know much about Buffy being the slayer.

Willow - Buffy’s friend (she has read hair and is a little nerdy). She likes Xander.

Xander - Buffy’s friend (he has short brown hair). He likes Buffy.

Cordelia - Buffy’s friend (they used to not like each other). She is one of the popular girls in school.

Angel - A vampire. He is one of the only “good” vampires. He was cursed in a way that gave him back     his soul so that he feels human emotions (like guilt and empathy). He helps Buffy out a lot of     the time.

The Master - The top vampire. He wants to open a portal to the demon world to destroy the human     race. To do this, he needs the blood of the Slayer (Buffy). He’s a bad guy.
Other info:

Vampires - They feed off of human blood and are really mean. They can’t come out in the daytime.     They are very strong, but can be killed with a wooden stake, fire, or beheading (the wooden     stake is the most common). They are reduced to ash when they die. When they are about to     feed their faces get ugly.

Sunnydale - The town in California where the show takes place. It is located on what is called a “hell     mouth” which is a spot where negative energy is really high. All sorts of demons and bad sorts     are drawn towards it. The master wants to use it as a portal to let more demons into the world.


If you did not do so today in class, finish filling out the "characteristic" and "descriptive adjective" pieces on your "Buffy and Gender Characteristics" sheet (if you don't have the characteristics that you came up with in class, use the ones above that we created in class.

Prepare for the unit 3 roots and prefixes quiz on Wednesday (be ready!).

If you have not done so already, complete sections 1, 2, and 3 of the occupations research paper.
For information and resources associated with this project see the post: Research Wrap-Up: Feedback and Resources

Complete any unfinished assignments.
Revise any assignments scoring below a 92.
     To see which assignments need to be completed or revised check out Pinnacle:
     In school:
     Outside of school:

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