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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

05.20 - Coal Formation

We started today's class with everyone responding to the following writing prompt in their journal:

To the best of your ability, describe where coal comes from.
Why does coal burn?

After everyone had a chance to respond to these prompts, people shared out the responses they had come up with. We used these answers to return to our previous discussion of where trees get their mass from. This lead us into discussing how trees use photosynthesis to convert air into more tree. We then looked at:
how there is potential energy stored in the chemical bonds that make up a tree ->
how ancient trees were buried over time in the earth ->
how the pressure of the weight on these old materials over long periods of time converted them to coal ->
how this coal was harvested by miners ->
how heating the coal breaks the bonds that were formed long ago and releases stored energy.

If you would like to see this lecture in person, come in and see Mr. Collins after school (any Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Friday from 2-3:30).

Everyone then had the rest of the period to read in The Hunger Games and complete a reading log for Katniss OR Peeta based on chapters 8 - 10.

Hunger Games Reading Schedule (includes reading logs)

Reading Logs Folder (Google Drive folder with all reading logs)
Complete both reading logs for chapters 01-04 and 05-07.
Complete a reading log for Katniss OR Peeta for all other reading sections.

If I photocopied your own set of characteristics and you need an extra copy, come check in with me.


Read to page 207 in The Hunger Games.

Complete a reading log on Katniss OR Peeta for chapters 11-15.
(For a 100, note characteristics for both Katniss and Peeta and then, in your discussion compare and contrast them in these chapters).

Complete any unfinished assignments.
Revise any assignments scoring below a 92.
     To see which assignments need to be completed or revised check out Pinnacle:
     In school:
     Outside of school:

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