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Friday, May 2, 2014

05.02 - Men and Women in Society

At the beginning of class today, we picked up our discussion of gender, sex, and preference from in class yesterday to talk about common terms that are based on the associations that people have between these words. Notes from the discussion are below:

Click Image to Enlarge

Click Image to Enlarge

Click Image to Enlarge
Not pictured (I missed the screenshot):
Gender - Female, Sex - Male, Preference - Male
transgender heterosexual female

In class, we also discussed how people may choose to dress or present themselves in a way that is commonly viewed as "male" or "female," but that what determines how we refer to them is their own perspective on their gender. A number of people had questions about different combinations of a person's identity. 

In the end, I wrapped up by noting that The Hunger Games keeps identities pretty simple for us, but that there are some instances of female and male characters exhibiting traits commonly associated with the opposite gender. In actual life, personal identity can be honored when meeting someone new by listening to how people that person knows refers to them, using their first name (everyone has one of those), or, if all else fails, asking a polite question when the time is right about how they prefer to be addressed.

In the last 20 minutes of class, everyone used the back of their unit 3 roots and prefixes study sheet to write about one male-gendered person and one female-gendered person who they admired (this could be a person they knew, saw on TV or read about, or an ideal person they made up). In describing this person, everyone was asked to discuss what "male" or "female" qualities they identified in our word sort from the other day could be used to describe this person.

Typical Gender Characteristics Categories
The Hunger Games Vocabulary Categories


If you did not do so in class, complete the Hunger Games Vocabulary Categories activity.

Prepare for the unit 3 roots and prefixes quiz on Monday.

If you have not done so already, complete sections 1, 2, and 3 of the occupations research paper.
For information and resources associated with this project see the post: Research Wrap-Up: Feedback and Resources

Complete any unfinished assignments.
Revise any assignments scoring below a 92.
     To see which assignments need to be completed or revised check out Pinnacle:
     In school:
     Outside of school:

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