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Monday, April 6, 2015

04/06 - Speaker Presentation: R. Decker, Revisions

We started today's class with a video of a talk given during period three last Friday from a speaker, Ryan Decker, about her work as a hair stylist (see video below). In class, we watched the first 20 minutes of this video and everyone took notes using the speaker presentation note sheet (see below).

After watching this video, I returned work that was submitted last week along with students' grade report sheets. We reviewed general performance trends for these assignments which were over how to conduct effective interviews. We also looked at how to revise these assignments.

Everyone then had the rest of the period to work on revisions and on writing interview questions for their interview candidates (see requirements below). The work we did last week with "The Art of Interviewing" and effective interviews should help guide people in their approach to creating interview questions and follow-up questions.

Interview Question Requirements:
Write 5 interview questions (or more)
Write a follow-up/probing question for each interview question

The most helpful questions will be those that take into account your interview subject's knowledge or experiences. 

The interview can also be a helpful opportunity to fill in gaps in your research (if a certain type of information has been hard to find, ask your interviewee about it).

While everyone worked on their interview questions and revisions, I met individually with people who were having a difficult time finding interview candidates.

Quarter 4 grade sheets
Work submitted last week

Submitted Today:
Interview Candidate Short List
(on this sheet, ethos refers to the experiences and knowledge that make this speaker a credible candidate for this topic)


Write five (or more) interview questions with a follow-up question for each.

At this point everyone should have all of the sources (at least 7 + the interview) they need for this project and at least 20 notecards (more are fine). If you do not have 7 sources and 20 notecards, continue finding sources and creating notecards.

Revisions due this Friday 04/06:
Interview Observation Notes
Interview Observation Notes

 revision options for a 4/exceeds, listed below:
Click Image to Enlarge

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