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Wednesday, December 4, 2013

12.03 - Poem Message and Imagery / Anthem

At the beginning of class today, everyone practiced reading their poem out loud for three minutes. In doing this, everyone was encouraged to read the poem once through and then repeat reading it until time was up or repeat specific sections until the end of the 3 minutes.

Next, we returned to working with the illustrated stanza sheet for the Poetry Out Loud poems people have selected. Today, we focused on the question on the back at the bottom of the sheet:

Identify some key images from the poem that you feel are important to the overall meaning of the poem.
Describe how these images enhance the overall meaning of the poem.
In class we discussed how these responses should contain the following pieces of information:
1- Identify and explain the theme/message of the poem (using examples from the poem).
2 - Two images/moments that are key to understanding/appreciating this theme.
3 - Discussion of why these images/moments are key to understanding this theme.
Everyone had about 20 minutes to respond to this question.

I then handed out copies of our next book, Anthem and everyone signed them out using the online sign out form.

We then read the first three pages of the book together and everyone took notes on the following points in their writer's journal:

What is Equality 7-2521 like as a person?

What is the world in which Equality 7-2521 lives like?


If you did not do so in class, finish the processing question on the back of your illustrated stanza sheet for your poem.
Practice your Poetry Out Loud poem.
Complete missing work and revise any assignment that scored below a 92.
Keep up to date on your grades through Pinnacle:
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