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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

12.11 - Poem Recitation / Anthem Chptr 2

We started today's class with 15 minutes for everyone to work on their Poetry and Tone sheet.
If this was not finished today in class, it should be finished for homework.
This sheet should help give people an idea of the tones present in their poem and what emotion they should use in presenting it.

Next, we returned to practicing our poem recitations. Everyone had about 10 minutes to practice reciting their poem.

We then returned to our work with Anthem. We began with the following prompt question which people responded to in their writing journals:

What can you learn about someone based on the relationship partners they choose (friends, boyfriends/girlfriends, spouses, etc.)? Explain your responses.

After everyone had a chance to respond to this prompt we discussed student responses to these questions. Responses looked at how you learn what somebody values and what sorts of things they are interested in through the different people that they choose as relationship partners.

We then began working with chapter two of Anthem. People were reading or reviewing the chapter depending on whether they had already read it or not. After doing this, everyone responded to the following questions:

1 - Why does Equality 7-2521 love Liberty 5-3000? What does his love for her tell us about him?

2 - How is love treated in Equality's society? What risks is Equality taking by falling in love with Liberty?

Everyone had the last 20 minutes of class to work on these responses.


Bring in a hard copy of your Poetry Out Loud poem for class tomorrow. 

Respond to the chapter two questions listed above if you did not finish them in class.

Finish the Poetry and Tone sheet if you did not do so today in class.

Practice your Poetry Out Loud poem in preparation for our presentations on Friday.

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