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Monday, December 16, 2013

12.16 - Poetry Out Loud Recitations

We started today's class with some discussion about metaphor (using a comparison between one familiar object to describe another familiar object so that we appreciate both in a new way). Then, everyone wrote an "I am..." metaphor poem in their writers journal (prompt and example below).

Next, we had a review of the Poetry Out Loud rubric. In reviewing the rubric, we got familiar with the poem "Litany" by Billy Collins. We then used the Poetry Out Loud performance rubric to assess a recitation of the poem by a three-year-old fan. Below are the videos we watched in class.

After everyone had a chance to evaluate the three-year-old's performance, we discussed the rubric. Students then had a few moments to review their poems and we used the rest of the class to deliver recitations.

We will have time tomorrow to complete the last few recitations and have follow-up recitations for anyone who feels their recitation today did not represent their best form.


Finish the “Poetry and Language” sheet if you have not yet done so.

Complete or revise assignments as necessary.

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