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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

01.28 - Introduction to Occupations

We started today's class by reviewing the class performance on the Edward Snowden research and writing prompt assignment. I presented everyone with a graph of the grades form this assignment and asked them to record in their writer's journals two positive elements and one area for change. These were defined as follows:

+ (positive) - This is something that went well with the assignment. Either something you liked about the assignment or something that you can see went well based on the data.

triangle (delta/change) - This is the thing that you would most like to improve or change in doing this assignment again or is the greatest area for change that you see according to the data on how the class did.

After everyone had a chance to respond to this in their writer's journal, we shared out responses which were recorded by a volunteer student on the SMART board. I then shared with the class my observations on the assignment from having corrected the ones that were turned in so far (both graphs and notes available below).

Student Reflections:
 (click image to enlarge)

Mr. Collins' Reflection:
(click image to enlarge)

Next, we began work on our next unit which is a project on "occupations". In this unit, everyone will be selecting an occupation to research. For the sake of this unit, an occupation is defined as any activity (job, hobby, or pass time) that is positively oriented in society. I handed out the Occupations Brainstorm sheet.

Everyone responded to the questions on the first page/front of the sheet for themselves.

We then had a concentric circle style partner discussion in which people had the opportunity to talk with a variety of different people about their responses to the questions and took note of what they said.

Next, everyone had the rest of class to respond to one of the five prompt questions on the back of the paper.


If you did not finish responding to the Occupations Brainstorm prompt in class, do so for homework.

Study for the set 8 roots and prefixes quiz on Friday.
Roots and Prefixes Set 9 - Word List
Roots and Prefixes Set 9 - Practice
Keep up to date on your grades through Pinnacle:
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