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Monday, January 13, 2014

1.13 - Roots and Prefixes Set 8 / Assignment Reflection and Revision

At the beginning of class today, I used our document cam/viewer to go over how to use a dictionary so that it is the most helpful in completing these sheets. While we did go over how to look up words in the dictionary, the focus of this talk was in how to look at words that use the root/prefix as a prefix and then evaluate whether or not that word root is part of that word or if those letters just happen to occur at the beginning of the word.


The word root "pre" means before.

In the word "preview", "pre" means viewing something before so we know the root and word meaning are connected.

The word "precious" also has the letters "pre" at the beginning. However, "precious" means that something has a high cost or is valuable. It does not have a "before" sort of meaning so the root and word are probably not connected.

I then handed out roots and prefixes sheets for the set 8 roots/prefixes. Everyone then had about 15 minutes to complete the first sheet. We will work on the practice sheet later this week.

Roots/Prefixes Set 8 - Word List
Roots/Prefixes Set 8 - Practice

Next, we reviewed the class performance on the reading questions associated with chapters 3 - 7 and chapters 8 - 12 in Anthem. I handed out the assignments before reviewing general feedback on what people had done well and key areas for attention and revision. People can use this feedback to guide their revisions or to guide their work if they are still completing the assignment. Those who got their assignments back today may have additional or other specific feedback to pay attention to when doing their revisions. The graphs from class are available below.

 (click image to enlarge)

(click image to enlarge)

We then took a look at the grade distribution for the Anthem discussion that we had on Wednesday and Thursday of last week. In looking at this distribution, everyone used the data presented in the graph and their own recollections of the experience to identify two things that we did well and one thing that we could improve upon for next time (see below). We then shared out these pieces and a student recorded the feedback below the graph.

(click image to enlarge)

I then had a couple people help me return work that was submitted last week and I handed out grade report sheets. Everyone then had the remaining time in the period to identify which assignments they need to complete or revise. I was on hand for questions and handed out extra copies of assignments.


If you did not do so in class, finish the word list portion for the set 8 roots and prefixes.

Study the set 8 roots and prefixes in preparation for our quiz on Friday.

Complete missing work and revise any assignment that scored below a 92.
Keep up to date on your grades through Pinnacle:
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