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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

1.15 - Edward Snowden Prompt

For class today, everyone had time to complete their Edward Snowden Research.

At the beginning of class, we reviewed the directions for the research component of this assignment and then everyone had the rest of the period to read news articles online and gather facts/quotes that answer the questions on the research sheet.

When research sheets are complete, everyone should respond to the following prompt:

Edward Snowden Prompt
150 word minimum (longer is fine)

Based on what you have read about Edward Snowden, do you believe he should be brought to trial as a criminal? Explain why or why not using information from your research (quote your sources)?

We also decided today, that we will be having the set 8 roots and prefixes quiz tomorrow since everyone will be taking the ASVAB testing during class on Friday.


If you did not finish finding information that answers the three questions on the Edward Snowden Research sheet or the response prompt, you should do so for homework.

Prepare for the set 8 roots and prefixes quiz tomorrow.
Helpful documents:

Roots/Prefixes Set 8 - Word List
Roots/Prefixes Set 8 - Practice

Complete missing work and revise any assignment that scored below a 92.
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