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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

1.08 - Class Discussion for Anthem & Revisions

For the first part of class today, we had a class discussion using the "Questions from a Construction Helmet" format (outlined below).

From yesterday's class:
(click image to enlarge)

Our use of the questions today:
(click image to enlarge)

The questions we discussed today in class were as follows:

Do you think she (Ayn Rand) would allow prisoners to have the internet?

Why do you think the council doesn’t want the people to know about the unmentionable times?

How would you describe the feeling Equality had the first night in the house with the Golden One/Liberty 5-3000/Gaea? How would you feel if you were in his shoes?

Who do you think you’re more like: Equality (the leader and doer) or members of the society (who follow others and don’t like change).

I helped to facilitate the discussion and took note of individuals' participation.
Participation in the discussion will be counted as both speaking and listening in the Speaking and Listening section of the grade book. We have a few more questions to discuss and will wrap these up in the next couple of classes.

In the remaining time in the period, we looked at who still needed to submit the question responses for chapters 3-7 and chapters 8-12 in Anthem as well as the Poetry and Language work we did with Poetry Out Loud. I also handed out grade report sheets from Pinnacle so everyone would know what work was in the grade book and what work still needed to be revised.

We will have an opportunity to work with this more on Thursday and Friday.

Continue to revise and complete assignments as necessary.  Especially focusing on:
Reading assignments for chapters 3-7 and chapters 8-12 in Anthem.
Complete missing work and revise any assignment that scored below a 92.
Keep up to date on your grades through Pinnacle:
In school:
Outside of school:

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