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Friday, February 28, 2014

02.27 - Summary Notecards

At the beginning of class today, we briefly reviewed MLA citation for the bibliography, how to create notecards, how to summarize, and the notecard requirements for this project (see below).

Notecard Requirements:
10 notecards total
     2 summary notecards
Next week we will begin work on the following types of notecards:
     2 paraphrase notecards
     2 quotation notecards
     4 free choice notecards (summary, paraphrase, or quotation)

Everyone then had the rest of the period to work on their notecards.

I was on hand to answer questions and went around to check in with students.

Summary Information 
NoodleTools: Getting Started
NoodleTools: Bibliography
NoodleTools: Notecards

Video Tutorials:


At this point with your research, you should have at least 2 sources that are cited in your bibliography and you should have created summary notecards for these sources (if you don't get up to this number for homework).

Complete missing work and revise any assignment that scored below a 92.
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Thursday, February 27, 2014

02.26 - Unit 2 Roots and Prefixes Quiz / Occupations Source Summary

At the beginning of class today, we reviewed the unit 2 roots and prefixes with the language game called "Big Rooty".

 (click image to enlarge)
(The game's title slide is an edit of an album by the Basement Jaxx)
(click image to enlarge)
Next,we had the unit 2 roots and prefixes quiz. When everyone was done with the quiz, we corrected them and discussed the correct answers.

We then returned to our work with the occupations research project. I reviewed finding sources, entering information on a bibliography, creating notecards, and summarization of information. Everyone then had the rest of the period to work on their research.

Summary Information 
NoodleTools: Getting Started
NoodleTools: Bibliography
NoodleTools: Notecards

Video Tutorials:


Everyone should currently have two sources providing definition and background information on their occupation. Sources should be cited in MLA format in a bibliography and everyone should have started creating summary notecards. If these things are not quite complete, they should be completed for homework.

Complete missing work and revise any assignment that scored below a 92.
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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Manual Citation: How to Video

If you are not using NoodleTools or another citation program to do your MLA citations for this research project, you will need to do your citations manually. The video below outlines how to do this.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

02.25 - Summary

At the beginning of class today, I handed out a sheet listing the unit 2 roots and prefixes. Everyone had about 7 minutes to fill in as many definitions as they could. I then showed everyone the correct definitions for the roots and prefixes (see below). Any responses that were incorrect are roots/prefixes that people should focus on studying for the quiz tomorrow.

(click image to enlarge)
Next, we looked at how to use summary when conducting research (see handout below). As a class, we reviewed the summary handout and talked about how it is important in summary that the person writing make sure to use language that is entirely different from their source. Using any language that is also used by the source must be quoted specifically. After, reviewing this sheet, everyone had about 10 minutes to create a found poem using the summary sheet. We then shared out these poems. 
Next, we reviewed how to create a summary notecard in NoodleTools and in Google Drive (see image and video below).
Everyone then had the next fifteen minutes to go online and work on a summary of one of their sources.
Summary notecards in NoodleTools:

(click image to enlarge)

Notecards via Google Drive:

People may also opt to use physical notecards to record their notes.



Prepare for the roots/prefixes unit 2 review quiz tomorrow (rescheduled from our snowday on 2/13).

Begin creating summary notecards for the three sources related to describing your occupation as well as background information and history of the occupation.

Complete missing work and revise any assignment that scored below a 92.
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Monday, February 24, 2014

02.24 - Grade Reports / Summary and Found Poems

At the beginning of class today, we had a quick check in around what people did for break. Everyone had four minutes to chat with a partner. We then went around and each group shared out one of the things they had learned about their partners vacation (the instruction slide from class is below).

(click image to enlarge)

I handed out grade report sheets for the assignments completed so far for quarter 3 and returned work that was handed in just before vacation.

Next, I handed out a sheet which explained how to make found poems. We were looking at found poems today as a way of looking at how to summarize a text. Summary is a skill we will get into using tomorrow as we look to start summarizing sources related to the occupations that people are research. We reviewed this sheet and discussed found poems with everyone having an opportunity to make a found poem from the sheet itself.

Found Poems - how to and practice 


Prepare for the roots/prefixes unit 2 review quiz for Wednesday (rescheduled from our snowday on 2/13).

If you have not done so already, find three sources related to describing your occupation as well as background information and history of the occupation.

Complete missing work and revise any assignment that scored below a 92.
Keep up to date on your grades through Pinnacle:
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Thursday, February 13, 2014

02.13 - Snow Day

There was no school today due to the weather.

The roots/prefix quiz scheduled for today will be rescheduled for the Monday that we return from break.


Find three sources related to describing your occupation as well as background information and history of the occupation.

Record your sources in a bibliography using MLA format.

Complete missing work and revise any assignment that scored below a 92.
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02.12 - Sources and Bibliographies

At the beginning of class today, I handed out copies of the unit 2 roots and prefix words and everyone had about 8 minutes to fill in as many of the roots and prefixes from memory as they could. We then reviewed the correct answers for these roots and prefixes. The ones that people did not know or got wrong should give an idea of what would be best to study in preparation for the roots/prefix quiz tomorrow.

We then returned to our work with the occupations project. We reviewed how to complete the bibliography section and how to search for sources (see the video below and the LHS Research Guide documents available below for a refresher on this).

Everyone then had the rest of the period to find good sources and log them into their bibliography.
Those who do not wish to use NoodleTools for their project will need to find an appropriate substitute site that enables them to cite sources in MLA format or use the Purdue OWL site to put sources into MLA format themselves.

Sources for the first part of the project should be focused on describing the occupation that the project is focused on as well as it's history (as we saw with the article on barbers in America). In class we talked about how people may find it necessary to broaden or narrow their topic based on how much information they are finding on their topic.

To guide people in finding sources, I handed out a section outline for the paper with questions that each section of the paper should address. Today, everyone should be focused on the first section (background/definition).


Occupations Project - section outline 

NoodleTools: Getting Started
NoodleTools: Bibliography


Find three sources related to describing your occupation as well as background information and history of the occupation.

Record your sources in a bibliography using MLA format.

Complete missing work and revise any assignment that scored below a 92.
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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

02.11 - Unit 2 Root Stick Review, Using NoodleTools

At the beginning of class today, we reviewed the unit 2 roots and prefixes by playing a variation of the game "Stick" called "Root Stick". In the game, people used their knowledge of roots and prefixes to avoid in-game penalties and getting out. At the end of our time for the game, I filled in the roots and prefixes that were not covered in the game and everyone had a chance to copy these down (see the full list below).

(click image to enlarge)
Red Text = words defined in game
Blue Text = words defined post-game

We then reviewed how to create projects and a bibliography in NoodleTools. The options to select when creating a project are outline below. Also available below is a video that walks you through the project creation and bibliography process as well as research documents for the LHS research guide that cover this information as well.

NoodleTools: Getting Started
NoodleTools: Bibliography


Create your project in NoodleTools

Begin looking for sources that explain what your occupation involves and/or the history of your occupation.

Complete missing work and revise any assignment that scored below a 92.
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Monday, February 10, 2014

02.10 - Barber Post-Reading, Revisions, & Unit 2 Roots and Prefixes Review

Everyone had the first half of class today to write their response to the post-reading question for the article "The Racially Fraught History of the American Beard". We reviewed the prompt (see below) and previous discussions about this article from class and then everyone had 30 minutes to write.

(click image to enlarge)

In the second half of today's class, we were focused on revising and completing assignments that we have worked on so far this quarter.

I handed out grade report sheets and then returned assignments. We started out by looking at how the revision opportunity last week with the Pete Seeger writing had been used by people. Next, we reviewed class performance on the assignment (see below) and then everyone had about ten minutes to revise, complete, and/or aim for the 100 level on the assignment.

(click image to enlarge)

 (click image to enlarge)

(click image to enlarge)

After paying particular attention to these assignments, I returned all other graded assignments that had been submitted to me (assignments turned in on Google Drive have the assessment grade and comments in Google Drive).

Everyone then had the last 15 minutes of the period to continue with their revision or begin working the the unit 2 review of roots and prefixes.

If you did not do so today in class, finish responding to the post-reading question for the article on barbers (see links above for extra copies)
Begin preparing for the unit 2 roots and prefixes review quiz on Thursday. Fill in as many of the roots and prefix meanings from the unit as possible (we will do some work with this tomorrow).

Complete missing work and revise any assignment that scored below a 92.
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Thursday, February 6, 2014

02.06 - Big Rooty & Barber Reading

At the beginning of class today, we reviewed the set 10 roots and prefixes with a new language game called "Big Rooty". I taught everyone the game and then we brought in the roots and prefix element as a way of reviewing for the quiz (rules and notes from class below). We then had the set 10 quiz which we corrected together in class.

 (click image to enlarge)
(The game's title slide is an edit of an album by the Basement Jaxx)
(click image to enlarge)
Next, we returned to our work with looking at the history and beginnings of barber shops in the United States. Last class, we responded to and discussed the pre-reading questions for this article. Today, everyone received the article and had time to begin reading it and responding to the reading questions (see the slide below).
(click image to enlarge)

We did not have time to finish the article and reading questions in class so this should be done for homework over the weekend. We will respond to the post-reading question that goes with the article on Monday.


Finish reading The Racially Fraught History of the American Beard and responding to the
reading questions that go with the article.

Complete missing work and revise any assignment that scored below a 92.
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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

02.04 - Introduction to Occupations Background

Everyone had the first 20 minutes of class today to work on the roots and prefixes set 10 practice. At the end of this time, we went over these answers together as a class.

Next, we looked at the various occupations that people have decided to research. Ideally, this is an occupation that each person would like to pursue in life. That way, this research is an opportunity to help them find some direction to their high school and post-secondary work.

The first part of our research will be into the history of each person's chosen occupation and what exactly that occupation involves and looks like today. To get a sense for how to find out about and interpret the history of an occupation, we are going to be looking at the history of the barber in the United States (at least since European times).

We are going to be reading an article from The Atlantic for this. Today, we took a look at two of the pre-reading questions to get us ready to read this article. Everyone responded to and then we discussed these questions in class (see below). We will begin reading this article and responding to the reading questions and post-reading question next time.

(click image to enlarge)



If you did not do so in class, finish responding to the pre-reading questions listed above.

Continue to study for the set 10 roots and prefixes quiz on Thursday.

Monday, February 3, 2014

02.03 - Roots and Prefixes Set 10 / Revision

At the beginning of class today, I handed out set 09 roots and prefixes sheets and returned set 08 revisions. Everyone had the first half of class to work on their set 08 revisions and complete the word list sheet for set 09. If anyone had extra time their focus should have been on coming up with multiple examples for the different roots/prefixes.

Roots and Prefixes Set 10 - Word List
Roots and Prefixes Set 10 - Practice

In the second half of class, I reviewed overall performance on the found poems we did last week for the Pete Seeger writing prompt. In this review, I also focused on how to achieve an 100 on this sort of assignment. Everyone had the remaining time in the period to complete or revise their prompt. Those who had already completed the assignment were encouraged to pursue the 100 level option.

(click to enlarge)


If you did not do so in class, complete or revise the Pete Seeger Occupations writing as appropriate.

Prepare for the set 09 roots and prefixes quiz on Thursday.

Complete missing work and revise any assignment that scored below a 92.
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