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Thursday, February 13, 2014

02.12 - Sources and Bibliographies

At the beginning of class today, I handed out copies of the unit 2 roots and prefix words and everyone had about 8 minutes to fill in as many of the roots and prefixes from memory as they could. We then reviewed the correct answers for these roots and prefixes. The ones that people did not know or got wrong should give an idea of what would be best to study in preparation for the roots/prefix quiz tomorrow.

We then returned to our work with the occupations project. We reviewed how to complete the bibliography section and how to search for sources (see the video below and the LHS Research Guide documents available below for a refresher on this).

Everyone then had the rest of the period to find good sources and log them into their bibliography.
Those who do not wish to use NoodleTools for their project will need to find an appropriate substitute site that enables them to cite sources in MLA format or use the Purdue OWL site to put sources into MLA format themselves.

Sources for the first part of the project should be focused on describing the occupation that the project is focused on as well as it's history (as we saw with the article on barbers in America). In class we talked about how people may find it necessary to broaden or narrow their topic based on how much information they are finding on their topic.

To guide people in finding sources, I handed out a section outline for the paper with questions that each section of the paper should address. Today, everyone should be focused on the first section (background/definition).


Occupations Project - section outline 

NoodleTools: Getting Started
NoodleTools: Bibliography


Find three sources related to describing your occupation as well as background information and history of the occupation.

Record your sources in a bibliography using MLA format.

Complete missing work and revise any assignment that scored below a 92.
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