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Monday, February 10, 2014

02.10 - Barber Post-Reading, Revisions, & Unit 2 Roots and Prefixes Review

Everyone had the first half of class today to write their response to the post-reading question for the article "The Racially Fraught History of the American Beard". We reviewed the prompt (see below) and previous discussions about this article from class and then everyone had 30 minutes to write.

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In the second half of today's class, we were focused on revising and completing assignments that we have worked on so far this quarter.

I handed out grade report sheets and then returned assignments. We started out by looking at how the revision opportunity last week with the Pete Seeger writing had been used by people. Next, we reviewed class performance on the assignment (see below) and then everyone had about ten minutes to revise, complete, and/or aim for the 100 level on the assignment.

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After paying particular attention to these assignments, I returned all other graded assignments that had been submitted to me (assignments turned in on Google Drive have the assessment grade and comments in Google Drive).

Everyone then had the last 15 minutes of the period to continue with their revision or begin working the the unit 2 review of roots and prefixes.

If you did not do so today in class, finish responding to the post-reading question for the article on barbers (see links above for extra copies)
Begin preparing for the unit 2 roots and prefixes review quiz on Thursday. Fill in as many of the roots and prefix meanings from the unit as possible (we will do some work with this tomorrow).

Complete missing work and revise any assignment that scored below a 92.
Keep up to date on your grades through Pinnacle:
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