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Friday, February 28, 2014

02.27 - Summary Notecards

At the beginning of class today, we briefly reviewed MLA citation for the bibliography, how to create notecards, how to summarize, and the notecard requirements for this project (see below).

Notecard Requirements:
10 notecards total
     2 summary notecards
Next week we will begin work on the following types of notecards:
     2 paraphrase notecards
     2 quotation notecards
     4 free choice notecards (summary, paraphrase, or quotation)

Everyone then had the rest of the period to work on their notecards.

I was on hand to answer questions and went around to check in with students.

Summary Information 
NoodleTools: Getting Started
NoodleTools: Bibliography
NoodleTools: Notecards

Video Tutorials:


At this point with your research, you should have at least 2 sources that are cited in your bibliography and you should have created summary notecards for these sources (if you don't get up to this number for homework).

Complete missing work and revise any assignment that scored below a 92.
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