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Monday, February 24, 2014

02.24 - Grade Reports / Summary and Found Poems

At the beginning of class today, we had a quick check in around what people did for break. Everyone had four minutes to chat with a partner. We then went around and each group shared out one of the things they had learned about their partners vacation (the instruction slide from class is below).

(click image to enlarge)

I handed out grade report sheets for the assignments completed so far for quarter 3 and returned work that was handed in just before vacation.

Next, I handed out a sheet which explained how to make found poems. We were looking at found poems today as a way of looking at how to summarize a text. Summary is a skill we will get into using tomorrow as we look to start summarizing sources related to the occupations that people are research. We reviewed this sheet and discussed found poems with everyone having an opportunity to make a found poem from the sheet itself.

Found Poems - how to and practice 


Prepare for the roots/prefixes unit 2 review quiz for Wednesday (rescheduled from our snowday on 2/13).

If you have not done so already, find three sources related to describing your occupation as well as background information and history of the occupation.

Complete missing work and revise any assignment that scored below a 92.
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