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Thursday, October 3, 2013

10.03 - Animal Farm and Soviet Russia Comparison

We started today's class out with a review of class on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday when everyone was working with the substitute. From here, we moved into a discussion of bringing our perspective with Animal Farm into a modern context. To start this off, we used a venn diagram to summarize and compare the information that we had around Animal Farm and Soviet Russia (following the Revolution of 1917). We used the comic below to talk about how venn diagrams are used to illustrate the points that topics share as well as show how they are unique.

We then looked at what information to plug into the venn diagram we are doing for class. We filled in two of these circles today (10/03 - noted in green) and will be filling in the other circle and shared information tomorrow (10/04).
(click image to enlarge)

After filling out these three sections (the summary of Animal Farm, information around Soviet Russia, and the similarities between the two), we went around and had everyone share out one fact that they had recorded.

We will continue working with this diagram tomorrow.


If you did not finish filling out your venn diagram in class, do so for homework.

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