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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

10.22 - Celebrity Say What / Animal Farm Character Analysis

We started today's class, by playing a new round of a game called "Celebrity Say What!?" In this game, we look at tweets from a celebrity and then translate them to formal English. Today's celebrity was Ke$ha:

(click to enlarge)

After everyone had a chance to translate these tweets on their own, different people came up to write their translation. These translations were critiqued by the class and at the end I added any final notes about full translation into proper English. Our results were as follows:

(click image to enlarge)
Final Translation: 
"I am very sad that our Australian tour was canceled! Australian fans, I love you very much and I am working out a way to come and see you again as soon as I can!"

 (click image to enlarge)

Final Translation:
"Everyone should watch my friend Miley Cyrus on MTV tonight! She is the best and my “My Crazy Beautiful Life” (“MCBL”) trailer is going to be on television! “MCBL” will be on at 10:30 p.m. on October 30th."

(click image to enlarge)

Final Translation:
Do you all like my new hair style?
You can view a picture of my new hair style at: [URL].

Next, we returned to working with themes and character analysis in Animal Farm. We selected the theme of "selfishness can wreck things for good people" as the one most closely tied to Napolean. Everyone then started adding evidence for what Napolean was like in the beginning of Animal Farm.  We will continue working with this tomorrow.


Finish filling out the description for what Napolean is like in the beginning of Animal Farm. Make sure to put specific evidence in after the "because he..." part of the sentence.

Complete/revise work as necessary.

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