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Friday, October 4, 2013

10.04 - North Korea

To start our discussion off today, everyone responded to the following in their writer's journal:

What do you know or have you heard about North Korea?

After everyone had a couple of minutes to respond to this prompt, people shared out their responses and we built up some general background knowledge on North Korea. The main points we covered were where North Korea is, US involvement in the Korean War, and who Kim Jong Il is.

Everyone then got out their venn diagrams from yesterday and we talked about how we are going to watch a video on North Korea to see how it compares to Soviet Russia and Animal Farm as a place run by a dictator. While watching the movie today, everyone should take notes within the "North Korea" section of the diagram without worrying about any of the places of overlap.

We will continue watching this video tomorrow.


Be sure to write down any notes about North Korea that you learned from the video.

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