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Monday, October 7, 2013

10.07 - North Korea and Animal Farm

Today, we finished watching the video on North Korea that we started last Friday (see below).

After finishing the video, everyone had several minutes to complete filling out the venn diagram including shared spaces between the Soviet Russia and Animal Farm sections. Once everyone had a chance to complete this, we went around the room and each person shared out a fact or comparison that they had made related to North Korea. On the back of this sheet, everyone then responded to the following question:

Do you believe that Animal Farm could also serve as an allegory for the political situation in North Korea? Explain why or why not with at least three examples from the video.

After everyone had a chance to respond to this prompt, we discussed everyone's answers. This discussion moved us into a discussion of whether or not the United States should intervene in cases like North Korea where a dictator is making life miserable for it's people.


If you did not finish your venn diagram or the written response question in class, do so for homework.

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