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Friday, October 18, 2013

10.18 - Theme in Animal Farm

We started today's class with the following writing prompt which people responded to in their writer's journal:

Choose three roots or prefixes from the set 3 words and do one of the following for each:
Identify a superhero or villain whose power is inspired by the root/prefix (describe their power)
Create and define a new word (not one that is new to you, but one that did not exist before until you created it).

After everyone responded to these questions, we shared students answers and then had the set 2 quiz over these roots/prefixes.

We then did a short activity in which we looked at translating slang and colloquialisms into formal language (examples of this below). Everyone created their own example and shared it with someone nearby.

Next, we returned to our discussion of theme in Animal Farm and focused our work through a sheet on theme and character analysis.

Themes we identified and discussed were how Leadership can change people, Power can corrupt good and turn it bad, Selfishness turns good people bad, and Leadership is bad when it turns violent.

We will look at how these themes are reflected in the character Napolean next week.


If you did not do so in class, be sure you have completed the theme section in today's work with theme and character analysis.

Complete missing work and revise any assignment that scored below a 92.
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