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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

11.12 - Revision and Set 6 Roots/Prefixes

In today's class we were focused on revision of previously completed work. Anyone who had yet to complete an assignment had the opportunity to complete the assignment and those people who had already earned a 92 (our benchmark grade) had the opportunity to work on earning a 100. The assignments that we worked on today were:

Formal Diction Quiz (see Mr. Collins to make this up)

Unit 1 Roots and Prefixes Review Quiz - Revision Sheet
The 100 grade option for the roots/prefixes is available here based on a root/prefix that you choose. The assignment is modeled on Edward Gorey's alphabet drawings (though your root/prefix drawing does not have to be dark/macabre; it can be fun or straightforward). A model is available here.

I then handed out the set 6 roots and prefixes sheet which people had an opportunity to complete. For today, everyone only need to complete the front side (the root/prefix list).

Roots/Prefixes Set 6 - List
Roots/Prefixes Set 6 - Practice


Complete the Roots/Prefixes Set 6 - List.

Complete missing work and revise any assignment that scored below a 92.
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