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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

11.26 - Poetry Out Loud

The first half of today's class was focused on exploring some ideas that will be important in reading Anthem by Ayn Rand. We will start this book after the break.

Today we did an activity in which everyone had a name and a job assigned to them as part of constructing a perfect new society. After having this name and job assigned, everyone reflected on whether or not they thought the plan would work and why/why not.

Next, we looked at how language can be used to separate people and single them out and make them feel like they aren't a part of the group. To prevent this, we made the rule that no one could use the words I, me, mine, you, your, yours, he, she, her, him, his, hers. Instead we spoke only using "we, us, our, and ours." With these rules, everyone talked to a couple of people in which they discussed the following questions:

What is going to be happening this weekend for the holidays?

Which holiday is the best holiday?

Following these discussions, we discussed what it was like to restrict language in this way. These are all ideas we will look at more in this unit.

Next, we started working with Poetry Out Loud. I read the poem I am going to memorize ("To a Mouse") to the class. We then reviewed the guidelines and practice tips for Poetry Out Loud.

Everyone then had the rest of the period to read poems and identify poems they may be interested in reading. The approach for reading poetry today was to be a lot like looking at a restaurant at a menu where you review a lot of the items and keep in mind what sounds best before making a final decision.

The Poetry Out Loud poem finder page is a great resource in looking for poems.


Read through a variety of poems for Poetry Out Loud and find a poem that you would like to memorize and recite (choose a poem you want to explore and would like to work more with).

Complete missing work and revise any assignment that scored below a 92.
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