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Sunday, November 24, 2013

11.22 - The Yeah, Yeah, Yeah Song and Ayn Rand

Today in class, we returned to our work with "The Yeah, Yeah, Yeah Song." We listened to the song again and then discussed everyone's reactions to and interpretations of the song. We used the following set of lyrics to guide our discussion and in the next part of the activity:

The Yeah, Yeah, Yeah Song

In our discussion, we focused specifically on the lines:

It's a very dangerous thing to do
Exactly what you want?

Because you cannot know yourself
Or what you'd really do 
With all your power

Everyone analyzed these lines in their writer's journal. We then reviewed the main idea of Ayn Rand's theory of Objectivism and then everyone had the rest of the period to respond to the prompt analyzing how she would respond to this song.


Finish responding to the prompt analyzing how Ayn Rand would feel about The Yeah, Yeah, Yeah Song.

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