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Saturday, November 16, 2013

11.14 - Theme Writing "Harrison Bergeron" & "2081"

We started today's class with everyone taking out their theme comparison sheets for "Harrison Bergeron" and "2081" (see pages 3 and 4 of the linked document). Looking at the theme they elected to write about yesterday, everyone responded to the following prompt in their writer's journal:

Do you think the theme that you are focusing on in "Harrison Bergeron" is an important theme for us, here and now, in the US? Explain your response.

After everyone had a chance to respond to this prompt, we discussed students' answers. We then returned to working with partners to come up with a main idea to support the thesis selected yesterday and then evidence that would help to prove this main idea.

As a class, we talked through different possible main ideas for the various thesis statements and then talked about what sort of evidence would be best to prove those main ideas. Everyone then had time to write a formal paragraph that makes a claim about the difference between the theme as it is addressed in "Harrison Bergeron" and "2081."

With the remaining time, we prepped for the set 6 roots and prefixes quiz tomorrow by having everyone complete a root and prefix comic that makes use of three roots/prefixes.


If you did not do so in class, finish writing your theme comparison paragraph for "Harrison Bergeron."

Prepare for the set 6 roots and prefixes quiz tomorrow.
Roots/Prefixes Set 6 - List
Roots/Prefixes Set 6 - Practice

Complete missing work and revise any assignment that scored below a 92.
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