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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

11.13 - 2081 Theme Comparison

At the beginning of class today, everyone completed the practice piece for the set 6 roots and prefixes. After everyone had a chance to complete this sheet, we reviewed answers as a class.

Next we had some revision around the comparison between "Harrison Bergeron" and the short film "2081" based on the story. The feedback provided to the class was as follows:

(click image to enlarge)

Everyone then had ten minutes to work on revising and/or completing their responses for this assignment.

Next, I put students in pairs to look at the development of theme in "2081" compared to "Harrison Bergeron" (see pages 3 and 4 of this document). Partners looked first at the different themes we identified for "Harrison Bergeron" and then talked about how these were addressed in "2081." 

The themes we were looking at were:

Equality should not impair people's talents.
Government holds back exceptional people.
Individuals should stand up to bad government.

Discussions questions about these themes that partners discussed were:

Is this theme still addressed in “2081?”

Do they do a better job?

After having these discussions, partners worked to come up with a thesis statement regarding how one of these themes was changed in "2081".

We will continue working with this more next class.


If you did not do so in class, finish coming up with a thesis statement regarding how one of the themes from "Harrison Bergeron" is adapted in "2081".
"2081" Theme Adaptation (see pages 3 and 4)

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