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Thursday, April 3, 2014

04.03 - Interview Script

We started class today by working on interview request scripts for people to use with the interview for their occupations project. The guidelines for the script were as follows:

1 - Start your script with "Hello,"
2 - Explain who you are.
3 - Explain what you are doing (what the occupations project is and the occupation you are focusing on)
4 - Explain what you would like from this person (an interview and what sort of perspective).
5 - Explain the interview process (10 questions, will take about half an hour)
6 - Thank the person for their time.

In class we talked about how, for a 92, the interview will need to be face to face (Skype or Face Time are also fine). The scripts that people wrote out in class can be used in an email, in person, or over the phone. The scripts we wrote were the most formal versions of an interview request and the script can be changed for people that the interviewer is more familiar with (we'll look at this more in class tomorrow).

When everyone had their script written, they were handed in to me. I'll hand these back tomorrow with comments. Next, everyone worked on the practice sheet for the set 13 roots and prefixes. We will have the quiz for this set of roots and prefixes tomorrow.

Everyone then had the rest of the period to work on section 2 of their occupations project.

Relevant material/handouts: 
The research project:
Using your research:
Research and Set Up:


Complete section 2 of your occupations research project for Friday.

Prepare for the set 13 roots and prefixes quiz tomorrow.
Set 13 roots and prefixes - word list
Set 13 roots and prefixes - practice sheet 
Complete missing work and revise any assignment that scored below a 92.
Keep up to date on your grades through Pinnacle:
In school:
Outside of school:

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