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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

04.29 - Typical People

Today we began our work with The Hunger Games. In this unit, we will be using The Hunger Games to explore how people use skills and knowledge gained through their occupations to effect change in their society. As part of this, we will be looking at the ways in which Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark use and transform traditional aspects of their gender to succeed in the book. To lay the groundwork for this discussion I lead an activity called "Typical People." Directions for the activity and the response sheet handed out in class are below.

Following this stage of the activity, everyone also brainstormed adjectives that they would use to describe the typical man. I collected these and will use them for an activity tomorrow.

Following this stage of the activity, everyone also brainstormed adjectives that they would use to describe the typical man. I collected these and will use them for an activity tomorrow.

I collected and posted the pictures that groups drew on the board and then we proceeded with a gallery walk.

Everyone then returned to their regular seats and responded to the following question.
Click Image to Enlarge

Typical People Response Questions

If you did not do so in class, finish responding to the Typical People response questions.

Prepare for the unit 3 roots and prefixes quiz on Friday.

If you have not done so already, complete sections 1, 2, and 3 of the occupations research paper.
For information and resources associated with this project see the post: Research Wrap-Up: Feedback and Resources

Complete any unfinished assignments.
Revise any assignments scoring below a 92.
     To see which assignments need to be completed or revised check out Pinnacle:
     In school:
     Outside of school:

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