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Tuesday, April 1, 2014

04.01 - Interview Observations and Revisions

In the first 20 minutes of class today, everyone had an opportunity to work on the interview observation from last Thursday's class (follow link for videos of these demonstration interviews). I also presented the 100 level option for this assignment which was as follows:

Interview Observation 100 -
Identify specific things that I could have done in the effective interview to make that interview even better. Explain how these elements would have improved the interview.

Next, I handed out quarter 3 grade report sheets to people and returned work that was submitted for assessment last week. Built in to the work today was time to meet and make sure that all of the grades on the quarter 3 grade report sheet are accurate and account for all revisions that had been submitted by last Friday.

Everyone had the rest of the period to work on completing or revising any assignments from quarter 3 as well as to continue to work on sections 1 or 2 of their occupations project.



Prepare for the set 13 roots and prefixes quiz on Friday.
Set 13 roots and prefixes - word list
Set 13 roots and prefixes - practice sheet

Complete or revise section 1 of your occupations paper if you have not done so already.

Continue working on section 2 of your occupations paper (this section is also past due at this point).

Complete missing work and revise any assignment that scored below a 92.
Keep up to date on your grades through Pinnacle:
In school:
Outside of school:

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