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Monday, March 31, 2014

03.31 - Occupations Project Sections 1 and 2

We started class today with the set 13 roots and prefixes. Everyone had the first fifteen minutes of class to complete the word list sheet associated with this set. We will work with the practice sheet later this week.

Before everyone began, we reviewed how to use the dictionary to find words that use the roots and prefixes, how to verify their etymology (by looking at what the dictionary lists as their root word and by looking at the definition).

Next, I returned rubrics for section 1 of the occupations project that I had received from people last week. People who had their rubric returned to them then had the opportunity to work on revisions for that section of the paper. Those people who had not submitted section 1 of their paper were asked to start typing the paper based on the work they had (sources, notecards, outline).

Section 1 is now significantly past due (section 2 was to be turned in at the end of last week) and anyone who has not submitted section 1 really needs to focus on getting something written. I can provide comments to help people develop their perspectives and guide any additional research that is required to write the paper.

Set 13 roots and prefixes - word list
Set 13 roots and prefixes - practice sheet


Complete or revise section 1 of your occupations paper if you have not done so already.

Continue working on section 2 of your occupations paper (this section is also past due at this point).

Prepare for the set 13 roots and prefixes quiz on Friday.

Complete missing work and revise any assignment that scored below a 92.
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