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Thursday, September 5, 2013

09.05 - Ideal Worlds

Everyone started class by responding to the following prompt in their writing journal:

What is one key element or ingredient for having an ideal world?

Before everyone responded to the prompt, we discussed how really a perfect world requires that a lot of things be in place. However, this question was asking people to simply identify and describe one of those things. Elements that people came up with were:

happy at work
no religion
lots of food
people aren't jerks
stable economy
social equality (class, race, sexuality, gender)
no politicians
sports/physical activity
everyone has good clothes

Next, we did a visualization activity in which everyone took a moment to relax and picture themselves in their own ideal world. The activity asked that everyone try to envision all of the information they would take in from their senses in that place (sight, feel, sound, smell, taste). At the end of the activity, everyone was asked to respond to the following in their writing journal:

Describe the ideal place that you just envisioned in this activity. 
Be sure to include as much detail as possible.

After everyone had a chance to do this, I had everyone share out their responses. We then looked at what these different ideals had in common. Similarities that people noticed included:

People are alone or with only a few people.
In their place, everyone is happy.
There is nature.
There are trees.

While not all of the ideal places had these features, these were elements that came up in most of the visions.

Everyone then got copies of Animal Farm which we will be reading and which brings all of our discussion about what it takes to make an ideal world into play.


For next Monday, read through page 26 in Animal Farm.

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