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Monday, September 23, 2013

09.23 - Utopian Scene Compilation

At the beginning of class today, everyone responded to the following prompt in their writing journal:

Consider the person, organization, or group of people you researched as part of our allegory exploration in Animal Farm. Would that person/organization/group fit into your utopia well? Explain why or why not?

After everyone had a chance to respond to this prompt, we discussed students answers and I kept track of them on the board (see below).

(click image to enlarge)

We then returned to working with the scenes we have been writing for individuals' utopias. According to where each person was at they were either:

Typing their scenes from their writing journal on to Google Drive (files should be shared with


Finishing writing the scenes so that they can be typed.

A description of these scenes is as follows:

 (click image to enlarge)


Finish typing your scenes from your Utopia into Google Drive. Share all scenes with

Continue to read Animal Farm according to the class schedule.

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