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Saturday, September 28, 2013

09.26 - Allegory Research Wrap Up

We started today's class with the following writing prompt for everyone's writer's journals:

Using three of the roots or prefixes from this week's list, create and define three new words.
Using three of the roots or prefixes from this week's list, create and describe a superhero (or villain) whose power is connected the meaning of the root or prefix.

Feel free to combine those two options in any way you choose. Just be sure to use three roots or prefixes.

After everyone had a chance to respond to this prompt, everyone shared out their answers.

Next, people met with their partners from the Animal Farm character analysis activity to complete their research and report out on the allegorical figure/group/element that their Animal Farm character represented in the book.

Groups had until the last ten minutes of class to finish finding 5 facts from 3 different sources about their figure/group/element and to create a poster with a drawing that represented or depicted their figure surrounded by the facts they found and adjectives that described that figure.

At the end of class, we began sharing out facts about the allegorical figures and looking at how they were connected to the Russian Revolution of 1917.


If you did not complete your research today in class, do so for homework.

If you have not completed your Animal Farm character analysis or utopian story scenes, do so for homework.

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