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Thursday, September 19, 2013

09.19 - Challenging Rules

At the beginning of class, everyone responded to the following prompt in their writing journal:

(click image to enlarge)

After everyone had a chance to respond to this prompt, we discussed everyone's answers.

We then had the Unit 1, Set 1 roots and prefixes quiz for the words we had been going over. If you were not in class to take this, please see me and I can get you set up with it.

After the quiz, everyone had at least 10 minutes to read in Animal Farm. People could either work on keeping pace with the assigned reading or, if they were caught up, were asked to help find the spots in the book where the commandments of Animal Farm are altered. We discussed these moments at the end of the reading time and talked about how all of the shifts were made to better serve the pigs.  Our notes form this discussion were as follows:

(click image to enlarge)

We then had our third writing assignment related to people's personal utopias which was:

Write a scene that takes place in your utopia where one of the rules of your utopia is challenged. Show how the rule is challenged and what happens as a result. Feel free to use characters you have already mentioned or to introduce new characters.

In class we clarified that the rule that is challenged does not have to be changed. This piece of writing is simply designed to show how the people within your utopia deal with enforcing their rules.


If you did not finish writing the scene for your story in class, do so for homework.

Continue to read Animal Farm according to the class schedule.

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