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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

09.11 - Character Analysis

We started today's class with a focus on Mr. Jones, the farmer kicked off his farm in Animal Farm. Everyone responded to the following question in their writer's journal:

Were the animals right to kick Jones off of his farm? Why/why not? Explain your rationale.

After everyone had a chance to respond to this prompt, we discussed students' answers.
The majority of students felt that it was right for the animals to kick Jones off his farm because he was abusive towards them and negligent (often because he was out drinking).

We then shifted our focus to discussion and analysis of individual animal characters in the book. I paired students up with a partner and assigned them a character from the book. Working with their partner, each person used their book to complete the Animal Farm Character Sheet for their character.

If you were not in class and did not have a character assigned, use Napolean as your default character.

If you were in class and have forgotten who your character was, see or email Mr. Collins.

I handed out sticky notes to everyone so that each person could mark the pages on which they found information about their character. On the sticky note, everyone should also write a brief summary of the action that is being summarized. This makes returning to the section later and figuring out what the note was for much easier.

Everyone should use the sticky notes to continue to track and take note of what their character does in the book as we continue to read.

We will work more with the Animal Farm Character Sheet tomorrow.

We did not get to answering the question at the bottom of the sheet today.


If you did not finish finding the description or actions for your assigned character, do so for homework.

Continue to read Animal Farm according to the class schedule.

(click to enlarge)

If you have not  yet typed and submitted your utopian story on Google Drive, do so for homework.

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