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Friday, September 13, 2013

9.13 - Utopian Story Development

At the beginning of class today, everyone responded to the following prompt in their writer's journal:

Look at the character you created for your utopia story in class on September 9th, develop a description of that character (how does this character look, act, what is the character's personality and history, etc.).

After everyone had a chance to respond to this prompt, we discussed the character types from yesterday and the roles they played in the story. Then, I asked everyone to identify what "type" the protagonist of their story was (it could be one of the types we identified in Animal Farm or a different character type).

I then asked everyone to choose another character type (different from their protagonist) and do some writing in their writer's journal where your protagonist interacts with another character type. The two characters could just have a conversation or there could be some sort of conflict or interaction taking place. Scenes should be at least 1 page long in the writer's journal.

Notes from class:

(click image to enlarge)
Character Types in Animal Farm

(click image to enlarge)
Blue text = Example of a protagonist character type (Harry Potter/Leader) and another character type (Snape/Helper)
Green text = Example for a students' story for the protagonist, "Flynn" a leader and another character, "Stanley," a follower.
Red text = character types that appear in Animal Farm.

After everyone had time to work on this scene, we returned to our vocabulary from earlier in the week and checked in to see what words people had found. We will continue working with this on Monday.

(click to enlarge)

If you did not finish the scene from your utopian story in class, do so for homework.
Continue to read Animal Farm according to the class schedule.
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