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Tuesday, March 4, 2014

03.04 - Paraphrase and Quotation

In class today we were focused on learning how to use paraphrase and quotation in research. At the beginning of class, everyone chose a partner. I then gave one partner the LHS Research Guide information on paraphrase and the other partner the LHS Research Guide information on quotation. Each person read what the document had to say about paraphrase or quotation and then created a found poem on that topic (including the poet's statement explaining the choices they made).

Partners then got together and shared their poem, statement, and any other information their partner should know about paraphrase or quotation. We then went around the room and each person shared out one thing they learned from their partner. This served as a review of the material and I added clarifications or emphasis on points where necessary. Found poems were turned in at the end of the class.

Directions from class:

Click Image to Enlarge

Click Image to Enlarge

LHS Resarch Guide - Paraphrase
Found Poem - Paraphrase

LHS Research Guide - Quotation
Found Poem - Quotation


If you did not finish your found poem in class, do so for homework.
If you were not in class today, create a found poem on paraphrase.

Complete missing work and revise any assignment that scored below a 92.
Keep up to date on your grades through Pinnacle:
In school:
Outside of school:

Begin working on quotation and paraphrase notecards for your occupations project.

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