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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

03.11 - Sentences and Research Outlines

At the beginning of class today, I challenged everyone to write down on a piece of paper the shortest possible complete sentence and then arrange themselves in a line from shortest to longest. The shortest sentences were "I am." and "Go!" The sentence "I am." is the one we counted for reasons that we will address later.

Then, I challenged everyone to write down on a piece of paper the longest possible (grammatically correct) sentence and then arrange themselves from shortest to longest. For this sentence, it was alright if the sentence did not necessarily make sense as long as it followed grammar rules (we'll look at revising this rule in the future). The longest sentence created was: "“Onomatopoeia isn’t a very resourceful conjugation, although it can be very helpful while reading “Ripley’s Believe it or Not” on top of the highest peak in the state of Alaska.”

We will revisit these sentences as we continue our work looking at what makes a sentence.

Next, we returned to our occupations research project with everyone having time to work on their notecards and outline. I am going to a conference tomorrow so everyone will be reading an article with the substitute that is focused on working more with summary, paraphrase, and quotation. On Thursday, we will be looking at how to turn the outline into a paper.

Notecard Requirements:
10 notecards total
     2 summary notecards
     2 paraphrase notecards
     2 quotation notecards
     4 free choice notecards (summary, paraphrase, or quotation)

Relevant material/handouts:

Paper sections (with guiding questions)

Writing rubric for paper sections.

Outline Information
Thesis Statement Information
Main Idea Information

Quotation Information
Paraphrase Information
Summary Information 

NoodleTools: Getting Started
NoodleTools: Bibliography
NoodleTools: Notecards

Video Tutorials:


Complete your notecards and outline for the background/definition section of the research paper.

Complete missing work and revise any assignment that scored below a 92.
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