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Monday, March 10, 2014

03.10 - Revisions

We started class today by reviewing class progress with the found poems for summary, paraphrase, and quotations. While several people were helping me to return this work, I handed out updated grade report sheets.

A number of students have done well with the found poems, but overall people have been struggling with making effective revisions.

Click Image to Enlarge
This graph reflects the general struggle that people have been having in moving beyond the 70 with their revisions of the found poems.

On the found poems, the assessed part of the found poem is the poet's statement which explains the poem by discussing:

1 - Why the author chose the lines in the poem out of the text as important lines.
2 - Why the author put those lines down on the page in the order and in the form that they did.

To better understand the difference between a good response and a response that still needs some development we looked at the following two examples from class. In this example, the first response (in black) was a solid response. The response in blue, is one that requires additional development.

Click Image to Enlarge
In the example above, the first discussion does a nice job identifying key points that were included in the poem (how to cite a source, making sure to use the same words as the author). The author goes on to talk about specific pieces that were included and how they were incorporated into the poem (plagiarism, using quotes, and citing sources).

The author of the second poem does not explain what the "basic knowledge" is that someone would need and does not discuss the form of the poem beyond saying that the poem was kept short (for full credit, all poems needed to be at least ten lines long).

Everyone then had about 15 minutes to revise their poems.

People who had a 92 on their poem, had the option of creating a second poem on the same subject that focused on summary, paraphrase, or quotation in a different way and then talking about how they communicated that different focus in their artist's statement.

Next, I handed back roots and prefix revision work for the set 11 roots and prefix words.

Everyone had the remaining time in class to work on these revisions.


Finish creating your 10 notecards for the occupations research project and organize these notecards into an outline that includes your thesis statement and main ideas (see this post for research resources)

Complete missing work and revise any assignment that scored below a 92.
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